Tius 12 bucaneve

Cabinets from Plan W, Designed by Jörn Focken

Product description

TIUS- shelving in bucaneve (white)

doorsbucaneve with fingerhole
hanging file/drawers without handle
rear panels white


In today's world of maximum flexibility, mobility, versatility and individuality the TIUS cabinet-shelving-system designed by Jörn Focken/D:4 comply all those needs to absolute perfection. Its strength lies in its details, its variability and its ability to be extended.
TIUS can be put up and taken down quickly and without using almost any tools. Even frequent assembly and disassembly doesn't harm the system's stability and solidity.
TIUS bases on an interlocking wave at the side edges of the shelves.
So TIUS offers a stable footing of the shelving, in each width and height,
without any additional strengthening like rear panels or transverse strutting.
The assembly of the shelving system ensues only with stucked connections.
Except for the required tools for mounting the wall brackets and the supplied
wrench for adjusting the feet no additional tools are needed.
TIUS is from throughout high quality birch plywood, accurately glued, and, except
for the visible edges, coated with abrasion-proof Melamine resin film in 6 tints.
Through this films TIUS has a smooth and durable surface.
The doors, sliding doors and flaps are available with or without finger hole. Doors also with Push-To-Open or lock holes. Both doors and sliding doors are made out of Multiplex, Alucobond, safety or acrylic glass (in all tints); flaps are only supplied in Multiplex. The slide-out file holders and drawers are, like TIUS itself, available in Multiplex.
Manufacturer Plan W
Family Tius
Architonic ID 1127211
Year of Launch 2000

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