Divano Plinio

Sofas from Plinio il Giovane, Designed by Mario Prandina

Product description


Back in 1975 the “Divano Plinio” was designed to be easily dismantled and was always made out of heavy oak using old fashioned joints. All the various elements of the structure are attached to the base using an extremely old fashioned type of metal with a very simple mechanism which was designed in the late 1800’s: the screw. The very lightweight padding is made of ecological and biodegradable material which gives an overall feeling of comfort since it is porous. Pure linseed oil is used to treat the wood, to enhance the grain but also to make it water repellant as well as improve the gloss and generally prolong the life of the product.
164 x 83 cm
194 x 83 cm
229 x 83 cm

83 cm

More about this product

Part of the collection SOFAS.
Manufacturer Plinio il Giovane
Family Divanio Plinio
Architonic ID 1164788

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