Rosso d`India

Plaster from Sto AG

Product description

StoLook Effetto


Linea di calce - the fascination of a grand Mediterranean tradition.
Linea di calce reconciles traditional craftsmanship using natural raw materials which have stood the test of time, such as marble and lime, with modern-day standards in the areas of architecture, application, product safety, ecology and design variety.
Linea di calce comprises four main elements which create attractive individual surface fi nishes either on their own or in combination:
A collection comprising 48 different colours with a Mediterranean flair has been put together for StoLook Marmorino, StoLook Fondo and StoLook Effetto. The collection is based on traditional and historical colouring pigments.

More about this product

Manufacturer Sto AG
Family StoColor Linea di calce
Architonic ID 1087347
Order number 33510

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