Glitter Glutch

from Traxon

Product description


Glitter Glutch - USA

A curved wall in the entrance area of Glitter Glutch, an entertainment venue in Las Vegas, was illuminated using Traxon’s Cove Light 12 SMD RGB fixtures. The powerful lighting installation, which is controlled by Traxon Light Management System, is programmed to display a range of brilliant colors illuminating the entire club. The centerpiece of Glitter Glutch - its bar - was equipped with Cove Light 12 SMD RGB at its lower part. The lighting fixtures add the final touch to the venue and illuminate the night club dynamically.

Cove Light 12 SMD RGB MO-CL-52701
Butler LM-CS-50041

Category: Architectural Client: Glitter Glutch Location: Las Vegas, USA Designer / Architect: ABC Consulting Date: November 2006
Traxon contact: Traxon USA

More about this product

Manufacturer Traxon
Family Glitter Glutch
Architonic ID 1111711
Year of Launch 2006

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