Aluminum clad wood entry doors | Design Type 1112
Entrance doors from Unilux
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Product description
Perhaps the most important basic rule of a good design: Less is more. In order to be effective, forms should not be overloaded or exaggerated, because only by doing away with superfluous embellishments does the true essence of an object come clearly to the fore. A nice by-product of this is the fact that people never tire of looking at clean lines. The DESIGN line represents contemporary style. Uncompromising in its aesthetic demands, it is intended for sophisticated and challenging architecture. The DESIGN line – reduced to the essential elements.
The only thing modern-day doors have in common with their“ancestors” is their name. Good carpentry work and appearancealone is no longer enough, because energy efficiency, safety,and functionality standards have increased dramatically tomeet today’s customer needs.That’s why all UNILUX aluminium clad wood entry doors areinhouse developments, demonstrating an extraordinary degreeof product intelligence and complex engineering.To ensure these masterpieces are not just available to aselected group of people, UNILUX produces them as series,enabling the unique aluminium clad wood products to besold at prices which make top quality affordable.Wood creates comfort – it is a feel-good material.Aluminium, on the other hand, is robust - a protective shieldagainst the elements. Together, they form an aluminium cladwood product which lasts generations without the need forcontinuous maintenance.The wood interior does not require UV protection in theform of coloring pigments in the finish. It can be usedin its natural form thanks to the aluminium cladding. Thecladding firmly encases the wood, protecting it from theelements while still giving room to expand and contractand cope perfectly with temperature fluctuations.UNILUX aluminium clad wood entry doors: The originals.
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Categorised in Doors - Entrance doors - Hinged doors - Wood - Metal - Aluminium - Building construction.
Aluminum clad wood entry doors
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