“Shanghai Central Eagle Real Estate”, a renowned Chinese property company, appreciates quality products made in Germany. The real estate experts from Shanghai were particularly impressed with the “modul space” furniture system from Bosse Design, a brand of the Dauphin HumanDesign Group. In addition to the new company headquarters, another 40 residential units will be furnished with the multifunctional system from Bosse this year.
Offenhausen – September 2012. Few if any world cities have experienced such rapid economic growth as Shanghai in the People’s Republic of China. The economic success of the port city at the mouth of the Yangtze River is attracting millions of Chinese to the area. In recent years, the city’s population rose to around 23 million people in the entire administrative region (core city area and suburbs, 6,340.5 km2). This figure includes 15.9 million registered inhabitants with a permanent place of residence in the city and 7.1 million temporary inhabitants holding limited residence permits.
Since economic reforms began in 1978, continuous efforts have been made to encourage the construction of housing. Nevertheless, the population density in Shanghai is extremely high and living space remains very scarce. Accordingly, the real estate sector is booming and demand for long-lasting, sustainable residential properties continues to grow in spite of the fact that economic growth in China overall has now weakened. “Shanghai Central Eagle Real Estate” has specialised in this very area and is now regarded as the market leader in the field of eco-friendly hosing construction.
During around 52 trips to Germany, the company management found out about ecological and economic principles, quality assurance and futuristic, individual furnishing solutions for residential properties. “Having compared products from all over the world, we were very much won over by the quality of German-made goods. We are therefore working with German architects and buy nothing but German products for our residential projects,” said the dedicated company owner.
On one of his trips to Europe, the “module space” furniture system from Bosse Design came to his attention. “This timeless system meets all our demands as regards quality and design,” explained the proprietor of CEG. “Customisation and continuity are particularly important for our numerous construction projects. After all, our residential apartments come fully furnished – from the living and sleeping area to the home office. No other furniture system offered the same level of versatility and combination options.”
Consequently, Bosse Design is supplying furnishings not only for the CEG residential complexes and villas but also for the new company headquarters in Shanghai. Numerous property developers, project managers, planners and brokers are based in the offices covering an area of over 1,700 square meters.
With its showcase “Black Forest” residential project, the property developer is now considered a market leader in China. CEG’s complex offers 200,000 square metres of living space and is divided into 1,000 apartments furnished to various standards. It combines energy-efficient, sustainable architecture, continuity in terms of the surroundings and tailor-made, individual furnishings to provide a new level of sophistication and quality of life in the “Middle Kingdom”.
CEG China Eagle Group
Architekt: Unternehmensgruppe Obermeyer