Photographer: Danthree Studio
3D product animation: Functionality and aesthetics to the point.
How do you present furniture, home or living products in a 3D product animation / video in such a way that their functions, their area of application and their very individual aesthetics become clear within a few seconds and at the same time the presentation itself is interesting and aesthetic? CGI, short for Computer Generated Imagery, offers in our eyes a great possibility to realize this. We'll use our lamp as an example to show how it works.
Our goal: a good product video that appeals to customers. "Clientele" in our case is defined as both the company that makes this product and the end customers and consumers who are expected to buy the product based on the product video. So we need to think both B2B and B2C when planning our 3D animation.
Step 1: What is the customer interested in?
The manufacturer is an interior designer that sells products in furniture, interior design, lighting design and home & living. Some of the products are innovative, but some also tie in with well-known concepts. The manufacturer of the lamp to be presented, sees itself with this lamp as a contact for contemporary living. The product is to be placed in a modern, sustainable living space in the urban environment. Keywords here are natural materials, minimalism, conservation of resources. The interiors created by the client are airy and spacious, suggesting restraint and an aesthetic based in the concept of emptiness and the "in-between".
The product video must pick up precisely here and anchor the product in such an environment. However, the focus must not be on the "trappings", but must remain with the product.
Step 2: What interests the end customer?
End customers usually have very clear expectations of a product video:
- What does the product do for me?
- How does the product work?
Question 1 concerns both the practical benefit and the emotional value. The practical benefit is clear in our case (lamp): the product brings light into the living environment. The emotional benefit is a bit more difficult to grasp, but largely coincides with what step 1 is all about: the end customer sees himself or herself as modern, wanting to live sustainably and conserve resources. The product must give them the feeling of coming closer to precisely this goal. Topics here are materials, type of illuminants, power consumption.
Question 2, on the other hand, requires a more technical, "dry" answer. Here it is about switches, cable routing (not available here - but must be clear), use in everyday life.
Step 3: Implementation as CGI based on product photos?
Product photos help us to bring out the effect of the lamp as well as possible in individual images. For the creation of the product video, however, we decided to take a different approach. The basis for the 3D animation is formed by photorealistic, three-dimensional renderings. So we first "recreated" the table lamp via CGI, in all color variations, switched on and off, in a living environment with lots and little free space around the lamp. The individual components can be viewed separately. The details come out even better this way. With this storyboard our creative directors create short and memorable 3D product animation / videos.
Instead of explaining the functions, we added music to the video and used sounds to bring the functions to life.
In summary: This is how the product video works!
The 3D product animation / video not only presents the product in a way that is easy to understand, but also presents it together with the brand identity in an environment that makes it extremely easy for the end customer to classify it. The product video, which is only a few seconds long, leaves no questions unanswered. The different functions of the product, operation, advantages and special features become just as clear as the ambience in which the presented lamp is "at home".
Since the 3D product animation / video only takes a few seconds of attention, it can be used on the customer's website as well as in the various social media. And this is exactly where the strengths of 3D animation lie: products can be integrated into visual marketing incredibly quickly and effectively.
This is only possible because we have assembled a powerful team of creative directors, master carpenters, interior design specialists and CGI artists. The professional experience of all these people comes to bear in the product video. Welcome to Danthree Studio - CGI agency for high quality visual marketing for the furniture, home & living industry.
Design Team
Danthree Studio

Photographer: Danthree Studio

Photographer: Danthree Studio

Photographer: Danthree Studio

Photographer: Danthree Studio

Photographer: Danthree Studio

Photographer: Danthree Studio

Photographer: Danthree Studio

Photographer: Danthree Studio

Photographer: Danthree Studio

Photographer: Danthree Studio

Photographer: Danthree Studio

Photographer: Danthree Studio

Photographer: Danthree Studio