Photographer: WIBU Gruppe

Photographer: WIBU Gruppe

Photographer: WIBU Gruppe
“Refreshingly different”
One year after its completion, the DRK “Haus am Stadtpark” care home is fully occupied. The care and furnishing concepts have been combined successfully.
""The demand for rooms has been absolutely incredible, the residents and their relatives are thrilled"", said Christina Brandes, House Manager. The groundbreaking ceremony took place in March 2015, and the first residents moved into the property in June last year. Everything went according to plan. There are seven different residential groups living in the so-called “fourth-generation house” – something never seen before in the Lower Saxony town of Peine with its population of 50,000. In fact, third-generation homes are common here. “There are both older and younger people living here – for example, younger people who have suffered a stroke or dementia patients with lower care requirements – and they live together within the same residential group”, stated Ms Brandes.
It looks more like a hotel than a care home on each of the four floors. There is a hairdressing salon and a chiropody practice immediately behind the reception desk at the entrance, and each resident has a single room. Nevertheless, couples can request a double room. The colour scheme and use of modern fabrics in the rooms are particularly eye-catching. “I remember the days when the interior designer for the WIBU Group, Daniela Begalke, and I used to sit together completely immersed in the task of selecting materials for the home”, recalled Christina Brandes. The WIBU property furnishing team was entrusted with the entire planning of the interior design, including the design concept of the foyer, the turnkey furnishing solutions and supervising the assembly process. “For the curtains, for example, we chose textiles produced by drapilux, as this manufacturer has recognised the sign of the times. The flame-retardant materials are not only functional, but also refreshingly different. They quite simply radiate a zest for life!”, said Brandes.
WIBU Gruppe

Photographer: WIBU Gruppe

Photographer: WIBU Gruppe

Photographer: WIBU Gruppe

Photographer: WIBU Gruppe