My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space

Photographer: Clivelan

My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space ×
My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space

Photographer: Clivelan

My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space ×
My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space

Photographer: Clivelan

My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space ×

The client is a Christian family and willing to share their spare roof top to the community. The space is mainly for children gathering and children worship event. Having an interesting and multi-purpose space for free day care and social interaction is considering a good sample for social responsibility for the community.
It is a special spatial design experience, out client gives us an idea of a slide in a penthouse, and we recreate this interesting space in a simple and interesting manner.
This is a living space for client’s two young daughters, and lots of time there will be family friends and kids come over to enjoy the space.
The stair and slide to the penthouse are the soul of this spatial design, and the integration of bookshelf and multiuse storage box become the furniture for different event.
We do not give too much clear definition to the space; instead, we project the most flexibility and imagination to the user who is going to participate in the space in the daily future.

Award: TID 2014 furniture design gold award
Area: 40.2 sqm


My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space

Photographer: Clivelan

My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space ×
My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space

Photographer: Clivelan

My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space ×
My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space

Photographer: Clivelan

My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space ×
My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space

Photographer: Clivelan

My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space ×
My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space

Photographer: Clivelan

My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space ×
My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space

Photographer: Clivelan

My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space ×
My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space

Photographer: Clivelan

My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space ×
My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space

Photographer: Clivelan

My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space ×
My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space

Photographer: Clivelan

My Secret Garden by Yestudio | Living space ×