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Patricia Urquiola presents 'among-us' at Heimtextil 2025, a 650 m² immersive installation exploring textiles, design, sustainability and conviviality.
Celebrating excellence in pivot door innovation, the 2024 contest highlights craftsmanship, design and engineering in exceptional global entries.
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A new generation of sustainable practices is transforming the architectural landscape. What is its 'secret'?
The Roost Optik Pop Up Store served as a temporary solution and experimental space, to develop innovative ideas for the New Store. A concept planned by pfeffermint that combines modern design with a unique and memorable experience.
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Results: 1492
For the future hotel showcase room -part of the Inhaus2 research project- the Fraunhofer IAO (Institute for Work Organisation) approached LAVA to become a project partner responsible for the design and realisation.
NoéMie Schwaller
CENTQUATRE is a place of artistic creation and production. Open to all forms of art, this 39,000 m² (419, 792 sq. feet) space is an original architectural whole in which art meets the public head-on.
When in 1981 Steve Rubell and Ian Schrager hit on the idea of converting a New York flophouse into a luxury hotel, the world was still a very different place.
Susanne Junker
At the moment the bathing ship in the East harbour of Berlin, one of Berlin's most attractive open-air pools, is being made ready for the winter.
R. Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Dwellings and Other Domestic Adventures
In the series "Conversations with ." published by the Princeton Architectural Press, which also includes conversations with Le Corbusier, Louis Khan and Rem Koolhaas, the latest addition is "Conversations with Mies van der Rohe".
Susanne Fritz
The history of the shopping mall as we know it today began in the Nineteen Fifties. In Los Angeles Victor Gruen, an architect who had emigrated to the US from Austria, felt the lack of the traditional European city centre with its pedestrian
Nora Schmidt
Like most LAVA projects the Schumacher Tower represents a form of architecture which integrates complex construction technology and novel digital design methods.
The Joubert Park Project is an attempt at artistic intervention in the most difficult district in Johannesburg.
UNStudio builds at Meiji dori, a boulevard well known for luxury brand flagship stores
DreamHaus is a design game which uses architecture as the basis for the study of mathematics, technical planning and physics. It uses the possibility of displaying buildings as systems and enables players to experience architecture by manipulating
HOK has commissioned Squint/Opera to produce a film about the stadium for the London Olympics in 2012.
An entire house over a number of floors in the heart of the city has been turned into a work of art – yes, it's obvious that we're in Berlin.
The traditional 'domain of the housewife', in which nowadays more and more men are to be found playing with high-tech equipment, has for some time now been a central place.
When artists design hotel rooms their focus is very different from that of the architect. Their curiosity, visions, objectives and their implementation are influenced by other factors than architectural ones.
SHL Architects
schmidt hammer lassen architects win sports and leisure complex and overall plan
UNStudio was commissioned to draw up a concept for the new Louis Vuitton Flagship Store in Japan which would unite the modern and classic qualities of Louis Vuitton and express their essence in architectural form.
Twisted geometry by Jürgen Mayer H.: Villa MRMM near Ludwigsburg, Germany
The impulse for the creation of 21_21 Design Sight originated during the Isamu Noguchi exhibition in New York. Designer Issey Miyake, architect Tadao Ando and sculptor Noguchi talked about the need for a place where Japanese design could be
Buckminster Fuller’s work at the Whitney Museum of American Art
Imagine a museum, instead of travelling far to see it, will stand temporarly in your home town.
Romanian artist Alex Dragulescu creates artwork blending traditional art and new media.
He gives the impression of wanting to tidy everything up and clear away any unnecessary visual ballast. Meticulously and with surgical precision Richard Galpin breaks down the fine top layer of large-scale architectural photographs.
The former workers' district of Zurich is undergoing large-scale rehabilitation. After the renovation and conversion of a number of buildings such as the Volkshaus and the Hotel Rothaus, there are now further plans for a new development: an area of
As if their indestructible presence wanted to make sure that we don't forget the past. As if they wanted to tell us that war is present everywhere – for many years now the bunkers.
Written by Maya Jordan, Photos by Nelson Kon and Fran Parente
The concrete structure, which at first sight looks rather awkward and monumental, reveals itself at a closer look as a walk-in sculpture which.
U-Bahnhöfe der klassischen Moderne (Underground stations in the classical modern style)
We are architects, and during the last few years we have been reading and commenting on several architectural websites. As many of you do, we love to watch, learn and discuss about architecture online.
The photos are all by Gigi Cifali, who originally trained as a topographer, from a series called "Absence of Water." The images document the disused pools of London.
Inspired by the shape of water in endless motion, The Blue Planet is shaped as a great whirlpool. The new Denmark’s Aquarium is situated
The Baumraum team, which is made up of architects, landscape designers, innovative craftsmen and tree experts, plans modern tree house designs which are constructed to the individual specifications of the client.
Christine Killory and Rene Davids examine the influence on architecture of high-tech engineering on the basis of 25 buildings erected in the USA.
The plan extends our research into the notion of ‘abstract verandah’ to include a barcode motif in the plan. A series of discrete spaces, organised in a way to suit the client’s particular requirements, results in a coded arrangement that is
The design for a mixed-use development on the shores of Straume, near Bergen
The time has finally come and the Indian elephants in the Copenhagen zoo have finally taken up residence in their new home. Compared with the old enclosure.
Frederic Chaubin, photographer and chief editor of the French magazine Citizen K, is searching for places, that have a story to tell and whose unique character he can document with his camera.
The architects Blocher Blocher Partners, who specialise in corporate architecture, have developed this by converting the texture of the moss to an abstract motif and then vectorising it.
Swimming bath architecture has recently been making a comeback and is now manifesting itself in entirely new contexts.
This year's European Championships, which are taking place at four venues each in Switzerland and Austria, have also been the occasion for the development or redevelopment of a number of stadiums.
Flare is a pneumatic building facade system, manufactured by WHITEvoid. The system consists of metal flake bodies.
It's an unusual thing to find a book on architecture with hardly any pictures, almost total reliance on text and taking as its subject a series of crucial questions relating to 31 buzzwords.
The interplay between graphic art and architecture is a discipline in itself. Visitor orientation and guidance systems require a detailed analysis of the architecture of the building, and the operational and movement sequences of the building's
Christina Barthelmie
Because our attention is fully focussed on new products and old acquaintances we frequently overlook the architecture of the stands themselves, which is often of high quality and great elaboration.
The architect Keiichito Sako was one of the first to recognise the potential for his architecture in the growing giant China. 2004 he opened his studio.
The organic parkway by Plan B Arquitectos and JPRCR Arquitectos
In the autumn of 2005 the Lower Ninth Ward, a multi-cultural precinct in the east of New Orleans, was flattened by the force of the hurricane Katrina.
Apocalyptic sentiments. The abandoned futuristic housing complex San Zhi is situated close to the Taiwanese capital and was planned in the early 80s.
Thom Mayne's studio Morphosis wins the Zumtobel Group Award for sustainable architecture for its Federal Building in San Francisco
Ingrid Buron and Gregory Namberger "export" the spirit of Berlin to the island of Rügen
At the imm cologne we our fifth anniversary and we had a big party at the Architonic Lounge and later at the SIDIspot. Thanks everybody who joined us.
The younger generation of japanese architects, including Kengo Kuma, who was born in 1954, has taken a new directions, by using more natural materials.