At your service: EuroShop
Brand story by Barbara Jahn-Rösel
Wien, Austria
Every three years, the international retail industry meets in Düsseldorf for EUROSHOP, and to make your stay as pleasant and efficient as possible, the trade fair has come up with a number of interesting services.
A new decade, a new start: In 2020, creativity is getting a new face. EuroShop offers design you can touch, functionality you can test, aesthetics you can fall in love with, technology, experience and glamour – everything you need to make a big impression
A visit to a trade fair is one of those things: Either you visit the event for the first time and meticulously search for anchor points to orient yourself, or you already know the procedure and enjoy all the different, little details that make a hard day at the fair a pleasurable, variety-rich experience. For the upcoming EuroShop, all preparations have been made by the organisers to ensure that both work and pleasure will be possible – providing visitors, as the will, with perfect service and exciting variety.
A wide arc
Every three years, the retail industry meets in Düsseldorf to discover the trends and innovations which can be further developed in respective sales locations. But just like in other areas of business, it’s not always possible for everyone to take as much time for their journey of discovery as they may like. And for this reason, this year EuroShop has come up with a special service for those on a tight time schedule: Guided Tours allow you to gather the most important and interesting information from the areas of Retail Technology, Store Design with a focus on architecture, Refrigeration & Energy Management, Food Service Equipment and Expo & Event. Individual tours can be booked quickly and easily via the EuroShop portal and mean that you won't miss a thing.
Immerse yourself in a world of professional presentation. Inspiration, thought-provoking presentations, information and innovations – all can be found at EuroShop, which invites all players from the retail trade on an exciting journey of discovery

Immerse yourself in a world of professional presentation. Inspiration, thought-provoking presentations, information and innovations – all can be found at EuroShop, which invites all players from the retail trade on an exciting journey of discovery
×Dive in, float around
For those who have more time, almost 130,000 square metres of exhibition space are waiting to be taken in by curious eyes. More than 2,300 exhibitors from 61 different countries will present innovations, ideas and concepts that will provide fresh insights to both retailers as well as service providers from the fields of design and architecture. When we make new contacts or take part in in-depth discussions, we encounter different perspectives and points of view, and this can lead to the finding of inspiring solutions as well as offering us compelling reasons for making specific purchasing decisions. An important source of inspiration for all visitors will, in any case, be the eight stages, where the latest developments in the sector, innovative trends and best practice examples on the topics of Retail Technology, Omnichannel, Start-up, Store Design, Retail Designers, Energy Management, Retail Marketing and Expo + Event will be presented via top-class lectures and rounds of discussion.
Over 2,300 exhibitors from 61 different countries will present innovations, giving fresh insights to both retailers as well as service providers from the fields of design and architecture
Less distance, more time
A dense programme, in other words – with 16 halls to be surveyed and mastered. To make the visitors' stay at the fair as pleasant and efficient as possible, the interactive hall plan provides the first important point of contact for orientation. Once you have found the exhibitors you want to visit, the personal exhibition planner MyOrganizer offers the possibility of compiling your own personal exhibitor list via smartphone or tablet. You can register for this in the ticket shop. The list can be adapted or supplemented at any time if – as is so often the case – you discover something interesting on the way. EuroShop's new matching tool promises to be particularly user-friendly, as it also helps visitors find the right contact person and links the two together. After entering your interests, so to speak, there are tailor-made recommendations and personalised suggestions for making direct contact, so that concrete appointments can be made at the stand even before your visit.
Getting the best out of it: The personal, digital trade fair planner MyOrganizer will help you organise the perfect event – find what you're looking for, meet who you want to talk to, do what's on your to-do list. This new service is sure to inspire
Homage to performance
In addition to this wealth of inspiration, information and things worth seeing, one thing should not go unmentioned: In 2020, the renowned EuroShop Retail Design Awards will again be presented for outstanding achievements in the international retail scene, store concepts, store design and related areas. The coveted trophies are not only a sign of appreciation for creative minds who think about future developments in retail far beyond pure design, but also a statement by EuroShop itself, which is thus once again underlining its status as an international platform for the retail industry.
Searching for that special something: Some things become revitalised, some things remain the same – sustainability is also a big issue in merchandising. At EuroShop, fresh, new concepts for high-quality and long-lasting use will also be presented

Searching for that special something: Some things become revitalised, some things remain the same – sustainability is also a big issue in merchandising. At EuroShop, fresh, new concepts for high-quality and long-lasting use will also be presented
×Energy event
So, even if your feet are a little tired and your voice a little hoarse at the end of the day, your head will be bursting with ideas as you leave the fair inspired and with a sure feeling of success. No doubt: this is a fully packed affair, a firework display of lasting impressions, accompanied to by lots of attractive supporting modules which – if you take advantage of them – will make what could be seen as a strenuous ordeal feel like a stroll in the park.
© Architonic