SCHÜCO's folding, sliding door and window systems create unobstructed views right at the sweet spot between inside and out.

Into the fold: Schüco folding sliding systems really help to make rooms look their best, neatly opening up space to merge outside with in

Folding stuff: Bi-fold systems from Schüco | News

Into the fold: Schüco folding sliding systems really help to make rooms look their best, neatly opening up space to merge outside with in


One’s own private place of retreat is one of those things that ranks highly on many people’s list of wishes. That said, it should be designed in such a way that as much of the outside world as possible can be reached while at the same time, of course, protecting one’s privacy. This perhaps sounds like a contradiction in terms, but with window and door specialist Schüco, it becomes reality.

Their folding sliding systems create unobstructed views right at the sweet spot between inside and out. Available in many different variations, these sliding doors are minimalist when it comes to space requirements but, as a striking part of the facade, big on visual impact.

Insulated or non-insulated. The smooth-running folding units are pushed aside effortlessly on rollers and simply positioned at the end as a slim column – so there’s nothing standing in the way of a great view

Folding stuff: Bi-fold systems from Schüco | News

Insulated or non-insulated. The smooth-running folding units are pushed aside effortlessly on rollers and simply positioned at the end as a slim column – so there’s nothing standing in the way of a great view


Ease of operation is key: The ASS 70 FD and ASS 80 FD.HI systems ensure extremely comfortable operation without exposing too much of their technology, and are therefore perfectly suited to a modern architectural language found in both the private and commercial sectors.

A secure fix within the guide rails and optimal sealing ensure the quiet running of the folding elements, which slide on rollers in the carriage. Both models have different opening variants, including the 90° corner solution for barrier-free access. The ASS80 FD.HI system’s HI designation also indicates that it is thermally insulated to a high level and therefore designated for outdoor use.

Maximum freedom of design. Every variation is possible with Schüco’s folding sliding systems. The units can even be installed at an angle of 90°, offering architects and planners previously undreamt-of design options

Folding stuff: Bi-fold systems from Schüco | News

Maximum freedom of design. Every variation is possible with Schüco’s folding sliding systems. The units can even be installed at an angle of 90°, offering architects and planners previously undreamt-of design options


The operational ease afforded by both the ASS 70 FD and ASS 80 FD.HI systems is visible in each of their elegant details, which not only meet the highest design standards in new buildings, they also harmonise with the aesthetic appeal of old buildings.

The sashes, which can be folded to the right or left as well as outwards or inwards if desired, are simply pushed to the side in a few easy steps where they can be locked in place as narrow columns. So, the contradiction becomes reality as the harmonious dissolution of spatial boundaries ensures a flowing 360° experience, without revealing too much of oneself.

© Architonic

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