Atelier: Concentrating on the “central zone”
Text by Dauphin
Offenhausen, Germany
Open office concepts encourage communication, but they can also be perceived by some employees as being disruptive, for instance when they are trying to concentrate on their work. Individually planned central zones counter this by establishing a sensible balance between open space and a place for retreat in the office space. Below is an overview of the latest developments in this area.
Over 30 per cent of the working population in Germany works in an office. More and more companies are opting for open office landscapes because they offer great benefits: encouraging communication among one another, improved working processes, optimum utilisation of space, cost efficiency.
"The trend is heading towards working environments which enable an intelligent interplay between teamwork, a visible presence and places to which the employees can retreat," says Dieter Boch from the Institute for Work Research and Organizational Consultancy (iafob) in Anzing. Open office landscapes in combination with teleworking will become more and more prevalent because they best meet the requirements of the interlinked, global world of work.
In contrast to the situation in the traditional open-plan office, nowadays single-person and multi-person offices which are considerably reduced in size are combined for concentrated (tele)working with a multifunctional communal area. In this central zone on the inside, communication among people but also individual regeneration takes place.
One big trend at the moment is for what is known as cocooning furniture. As an ideal place of retreat for communication in open, dynamic office environments, this furniture offers visual and acoustic protection for focused individual work, for team meetings or simply just as a place to relax. In the middle and yet apart, the separate office booths add a homely touch to the central area.
"Atelier" from Dauphin
One successful example of these island solutions is the fresh and modern "Atelier" product range from Dauphin. It consists of a single-seater, two-seater and three-seater as well as a stool. The upholstered wall components are individually put together and bring a homely feeling of sanctuary to hectic everyday life in the office. A great selection of fabrics and colours for the upholstery creates individuality. An important design feature of "Atelier" is the chesterfield quilted cushion sections on the inside of the rear wall. In addition, customers can configure their very own personal "Atelier": The carcass, seat and backrest cushions can each be put together in different colours, with fixed or loose backrest cushions. Optional connecting components between the individual "Ateliers", with and without a table, as well as an electrical connection for a laptop, smartphone or other technical devices, expand the needs-based area of use of this significant upholstered furniture.
Dauphin HumanDesign® Group GmbH & Co. KG
Presseabteilung - Lena Winter
Tel. +49 9158 17-950
Fax +49 9158 17-790