Check in, switch on: GROHE SmartControl
Brand story by James Wormald
Düsseldorf, Germany
With high-tech yet simple and intuitive features, GROHE's new SmartControl system is a perfect addition for high-end hotel chains
The SmartControl thermostat control unit features three clear symbols, increasing the system’s simplicity and ease-of-use, making it ideal for use in the hospitality sector

The SmartControl thermostat control unit features three clear symbols, increasing the system’s simplicity and ease-of-use, making it ideal for use in the hospitality sector
×An integral part of any holiday or business trip, the hotel has a lot of responsibility to provide the perfect experience to its guests. A place where any request, from the banal to the extravagant, is met with the same cheerful optimism and compliance. So why does this wonderful experience often stop where the sound-proof bathroom door begins?
Too often we’re met with pithy, low water pressure, an unfathomable range of options or controls strangely contrary to temperature requests. A simple, reliable and no-thought-required shower puts the user in the right frame-of-mind for that important meeting, or cleanses the body from last night’s excursions, ready to go again.
Both Grohtherm SmartControl thermostats and the Rainshower 310 SmartActive showerheads captivate users with their clean lines and minimalist design

Both Grohtherm SmartControl thermostats and the Rainshower 310 SmartActive showerheads captivate users with their clean lines and minimalist design
×This is what makes Grohe’s SmartControl Concealed system ideal for use in the hospitality sector. The clean, minimalist design of the shower head and control unit, along with the concealed rail make it suitable for the most modern of hotel chains. While its innovative yet simple, three-button ‘Push - Turn - Shower’ system allows users to precisely control the water volume from all three different streams, simultaneously. This intuitive design means that speakers of any language can easily combine all three stream functions to craft their own perfect shower.
Making a stress-free showering experience a reality for hotel guests, Grohe’s SmartControl trim set can be installed simply, with just one concealed body required to run three separate functions.
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