Heimtextil 2019: Must-see for interior designers
Text by Heimtextil
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Trends and innovations for contract textile furnishing are at the heart of the Interior.Architecture.Hospitality Expo – individual, sustainable, functional.
Textiles are an integral part of comprehensive building planning and the hotel industry. The reasons for this are by far not only rapidly changing lifestyle and furnishing trends, but also and above all economic and functional arguments. Home and contract textiles are true quick-change artists, comforters of the soul and at the same time high-tech wonders.
Heimtextil is the industry’s first date of the year. At the world’s largest trade fair for home and contract textiles, 500 of around 3,000 exhibitors alone will target the contract sector in particular under the title Interior.Architecture.Hospitality. The supporting programme consists of top-class expert tours, informative lectures and the renowned Heimtextil trend statement on material and interior design. The demand for textile solutions for architecture, interior design and the hotel industry is growing from year to year. In 2018, a new event format was added to the range for this area, the Interior.Architecture.Hospitality Expo in hall 4.2. The Expo will once again be the focal point for contract furnishing at Heimtextil in 2019.
The Interior.Architecture.Hospitality Expo. Photo: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Thomas Fedra
Interior.Architecture.Hospitality Expo – the future of textile contract furnishing
The Interior.Architecture.Hospitality Expo is precisely tailored to the needs of interior designers, hotel furnishers and planners. Following very positive feedback from the first event in 2018, the latest aesthetic and functional solutions for contract furnishing will also be presented at Heimtextil 2019 in hall 4.2: from textiles with acoustic function or special abrasion properties to modular carpets, sun protection and innovative wall coverings. New and particularly interesting for the hotel industry will be the expansion of the bed-related product portfolio.
At the Expo, hotel planners will also find bed systems, mattresses, bedding and linen that meet the special requirements of hotels. Next year, the overall design concept will be planned and implemented by Atelier ushitamborriello from Switzerland. Ushi Tamborriello is one of the most sought-after interior designers and set designers and her team creates internationally acclaimed spatial installations.
Design by ushitamborriello Innenarchitektur_Szenenbild
There are also exciting and innovative solutions for textile floor coverings in the contract sector. A special display will once again prove this: ‘Under the brand Carpet by Heimtex, the Association of the German Home Textile Industry (Heimtex) will once again present its members’ modern carpets in a stylish environment at the upcoming Heimtextil in 2019’, announces Managing Director Martin Auerbach. ‘The target group of Carpet by Heimtex in the field of architecture/interior design and contract furnishing also expects a world of experience in hall 4.2 that appeals to almost all the senses. The core element of the new stand will be a dominant, effective installation that will invite visitors to linger and experience. In addition, there will once again be sufficient space for exhibiting manufacturers to provide communication and advice’.
Interior.Architecture.Hospitality Lectures. Photo: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Thomas Fedra
Information and training for contract planners
The expert lectures within the framework of the Interior.Architecture.Hospitality at Heimtextil are a magnet for contract planners, hotel decision-makers, interior designers and interior architects. They cover a large spectrum of subjects from demographic influences on contract planning, via urbanisation, to the opportunities and visions opened up by digital printing in interior design. Additionally, there will be lectures for the first time under the heading ‘Printed Interior Decoration Lectures’ at Heimtextil 2019.
In cooperation with ESMA (European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association), an association of European manufacturers for industrial printing, and Thomas Pötz, an internationally recognised expert in inkjet printing and experienced strategy consultant, specialists from the digital printing field will discuss the latest technologies and ways of customising wall and floor coverings and decorative fabrics in accordance with individual creative designs for contract furnishing. At the Printed Interior Decoration Lectures, contract furnishing specialists have the chance to make contact with important companies from this sector.
ESMA is the organiser of the Printed Interior Decoration conference (www.printedinteriordecoration.org), an international educational and networking platform which brings together technology suppliers and the creative world: printers, designers and architects.
Guided tour AHGZ with Corinna Kretzschmar-Joehnk. Photo: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Thomas Fedra

Guided tour AHGZ with Corinna Kretzschmar-Joehnk. Photo: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Thomas Fedra
×Guided tours for interior designers and hotel decision-makers
The Interior.Architecture.Hospitality Tours at Heimtextil offer great added value for property planners and interior designers as well as valuable guidance. The guided tours of the fair aimed especially at interior designers, hoteliers or housekeepers are offered in cooperation with renowned industry partners, including AIT, AHGZ/Hoteldesign and AHGZ/Housekeeping, the Bund Deutsche Innenarchitekten (bdia) and the online portal World Architects.
At Heimtextil 2019, contract furnishers will once again be expecting exciting new products, networking opportunities and inspiration for their work, especially in the context of the Interior.Architecture.Hospitality Expo.