Digital dialogue: Heinze ArchitekTOUR
Brand story by Julia Hauch
To advance visionary concepts, the right people need to be in the room, so Heinze has invited emerging talents as well as established industry experts to join the ArchitekTOUR supporting programme.
Experts in conversation: Thanks to professional technology, visitors are always live – even if it’s virtual

Experts in conversation: Thanks to professional technology, visitors are always live – even if it’s virtual
×While public life has been dramatically scaled down in the past year, the future still needs contemplation and reflection – and now, more urgently than ever. The demands placed on the development of our buildings, neighbourhoods and cities are immense in the context of climate change, social transformation and advancing digitalisation. Visionary concepts and structural innovations that can not only be thought about, but also put into practice, are needed.
Open Office: Erasmus Eller of Eller + Eller Architekten (©Heiko Rahnenführer) and other well-known guests will be offering direct insight into their work via virtual factory tours

Open Office: Erasmus Eller of Eller + Eller Architekten (©Heiko Rahnenführer) and other well-known guests will be offering direct insight into their work via virtual factory tours
×Against this background, Heinze – which has been a multimedia information partner for architects and planners in Germany for over 50 years – has invited exciting newcomers, established players and industry leaders to contribute to the supporting programme of ArchitekTOUR. With live presentations from the office, experts will share direct insights into their work or, during a virtual factory visit, show the precision with which they manufacture their products and confront current challenges. Participants can immerse themselves directly in projects and actively participate in the discourse, as if on a personal guided tour. In addition, discussion sessions from the studio and contributions from other market participants complement the comprehensive concept.
Pioneering plans for the future: Big national and international names such as Allman Sattler Wappner and Chapman Taylor will also take part in the virtual event

Pioneering plans for the future: Big national and international names such as Allman Sattler Wappner and Chapman Taylor will also take part in the virtual event
בMensch und Modul’ (Man and Module), ‘Robotik und digitale Baustelle’ (Robotics and the Digital Construction Site) or ‘Flexibility im Post Corona Office’ (Flexibility in the Post-Corona Office) – a glimpse at the programme of the virtual ArchitekTOUR already hints at the direction the future is taking. The virtual contributors include Eller + Eller Architects, Chapman Taylor, Störmer Murphy and Partners, wörner traxler richter, De Winder Architekten, LXSY Architekten, Rapp Architekten as well as representatives from universities, various institutions and the industry. Multifaceted keynote talks on new processes, transformation and collaboration await participants, promising inspiring insights into the perspectives for the building of tomorrow.
© Architonic