On the level: KALDEWEI
Brand story by Norbert Philipp
Ahlen, Germany
Balance is the order of the day. KALDEWEI's floor-to-ceiling steel enamel shower surfaces are seamless, meaning bacteria and dirt have nowhere to hide – the ideal choice then for the hotel industry.
All on one level: Visually, the shower area and bathroom floor flow into one another
All things meet the ground at some point or other, and yes, of course, gravity is usually the thing to blame. Gravity however is not the force responsible for drawing our creative attentions gently down to that surface where people's bare feet usually make contact with the world – the bathroom floor. In the bathroom, things follow the usual gravitational course as elsewhere: from up to down – and evidenced by the drops of water in your shower, as soon as they are released from the showerhead. And there are designers who have even based some of their more poetic designs on the shapes, lines and curves which these drops follow.
What happens when that water meets the hard reality of the bathroom floor – or to be more specific, the floor of the shower – is also something which designers ponder. One clear agreement however seems to exist between design and bathroom user: The floor should be as even as possible – balance is called for. For the floor of the shower, however, this can often mean not just one single surface, but rather many surfaces stuck together – namely tiles. In order for these tiles to ultimately fit together, many joints normally have to be created, and from the point of view of many contemporary design concepts, this can be considered an aesthetic weak point.
The single-level bathroom by KALDEWEI can blend into any room concept – completely seamlessly
As well as the aesthetic considerations, there are hygiene ones. Many tile systems are likely to be found under the heading 'room for improvement' on any hygiene requirements list. Limescale and dirt tend to collect around them, so bacteria is often concentrated here, thus creating a particular need for cleaning. In places where hygiene is especially important – hospitals, for example, or hotels, this can be seen and proved on a daily basis. Thankfully, there are alternatives, not least among them, KALDEWEI's floor-level shower surfaces, which offer a number of advantages: They are just as floors should be – safe and stable. They are made of steel enamel, so that they do not offer even the slightest surface for attack by bacteria or dirt. And one more advantage: when things which are harder than drops of water land on it, the material is tough enough to withstand them.
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