Hand-produced steel furniture – MÜLLER transforms metal into its finest shape.

Wendelin Müller and Evelyn Hummel

For the love of metal: Müller | Industry News

Wendelin Müller and Evelyn Hummel


“Somehow, old medicine cabinets held an irresistible attraction for us,” say Evelyn Hummel and Wendelin Müller looking back. This fascination for the clear-cut design language of the sturdy, timeless objects with their rounded edges was the spark that fuelled the idea of founding Müller Möbelfabrikation. “So in 1996, we just went for it! We started hand-crafting our first pieces of furniture out of premium steel. Today we’re glad we had the courage to do it, and we feel validated by the great response,” say the biology graduate and her partner, who’s always been good with his hands. And that, in a nutshell, was how the Augsburg-based company originated.

Quality and flexibility: Müller produces its metal furniture largely by hand and exclusively at its Augsburg workshops

For the love of metal: Müller | Industry News

Quality and flexibility: Müller produces its metal furniture largely by hand and exclusively at its Augsburg workshops


Over the years, the couple have always remained faithful to the principle of producing everything themselves in premium quality. “We transform metal into its finest shape – not just with our hands but with our ideas too. For 20 years now, Müller has been making everything that makes home and office life more practical,” say the two managing directors of their philosophy.

Armed with plenty of passion, the necessary persistence and lots of creativity, they have successfully established their small but exquisite furniture collection on the market. From classic to modern, from minimalistic and elegant all the way to surprising and offbeat – the furniture Müller creates out of metal, nowadays increasingly in combination with other materials, is both unique and perfectly crafted. The possibilities are endless.

Stack: the system can be used to configure anything from sideboards to classic shelving and room dividers (top); Martini Chair: a 3mm aluminium seat shell topped with merino felt for a cool but elegant look (above)

For the love of metal: Müller | Industry News

Stack: the system can be used to configure anything from sideboards to classic shelving and room dividers (top); Martini Chair: a 3mm aluminium seat shell topped with merino felt for a cool but elegant look (above)


Text: RM
Photos: Müller, Julia Rotter (portrait)

Müller Möbelfabrikation GmbH & Co. KG
Werner-von-Siemens-Strasse 6
86159 Augsburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 821 597 67 38 0

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