NWW Design Award 2017 is on the start again
Text by Neue Wiener Werkstätte
Pöllau, Austria
The design award for innovative interior design of the Austrian furniture manufactory Neue Wiener Werkstaette, the NWW Design Award, goes to the next round. As of now creative professionals can hand in first drafts online. The 3rd edition of the competition for national and international designers and design students is once more dedicated to a future-oriented topic: „The New Hospitality – How furniture supports us in the art of hosting“.
In 2017 the coveted trophy will be given to excellent young-designers for the 3rd time (by Bernhard Bergmann)

In 2017 the coveted trophy will be given to excellent young-designers for the 3rd time (by Bernhard Bergmann)
×The way we live has changed fundamentally in recent years: we have moved away from rigid resumes towards individual biographical phases. Where there were formerly clear boundaries drawn, for example between our work and recreation or living and travel, today these lines have faded from recognition. Project-related work relationships at various places in the world have become the norm and life-phase partners instead of lifelong partnerships have resulted in patchwork-families.
We are in motion and more complex than ever before, both real and digitally. The flip side of all of this is the arrival. This arrival is more important than ever, not just as it concerns punctuality, but rather, more precisely, the why of it all. It is for this reason that an old tradition will assume a new significance in our “to-go” society: hosting. It is called the “The New Hospitality”. It would like to make life together possible – in all of its many facets whether spontaneous visits or planned overnight stays. It should provide space for encounters, but also allow for enough privacy. It should make it a joy to receive guests so that they feel at home and like to stay. To restore strength before things take off again.
Furnishings can support this. This is why we have searched for furniture which offers practical help for stowing, attaching, changing, personalised moving, folding-up or working for this year’s “NWW Design Award. Furniture that helps to accommodate every patchwork situation for which not only more, but also different space is needed. The ability to celebrate international friendships in an urban single-apartment with “small space solutions” or when a foreign work colleague is staying overnight in the guest room and would like to quickly go through tomorrow’s presentation before going to bed. Furniture that, at the same time, can satisfy the demanding aesthetic of the world traveller. Neue Wiener Werkstaette is looking forward to all submissions under the motto “Arriving and Being There” which offer a personal stage for many lifestyles and the moment – in keeping with the “New Hospitality” – in which they are uniquely matched to every individual.
Submissions regarding the topic can be uploaded online at www.nww-designaward.org until June 30, 2017. All submissions will be evaluated by an independent jury, which, by the way, will be headed by a well-known expert: the US American designer Karim Rashid and further top-level jury members will select the best out of all submissions. The winners will be awarded trophies and money amounting to 5,000 Euros in fall 2017. Neue Wiener Werkstaette will implement the winning projects as prototypes and they will be shown by means of an interactive exhibition touring the country.
Prize-giving ceremony of the NWW Design Award 2014 (by Lepsifoto Roman Roznovsky)
About NWW Design Award:
With the NWW DESIGN AWARD, Neue Wiener Werkstaette has created an award for innovative interior design that in close co-operation with cultural and educational institutions, partners and the media searches for trends and creative potential. The competition will be held as an open competition every two years (there were two successful awards in 2012 and 2014) and will confer awards to the best designs on the theme of the year in a prize-giving ceremony. Also 2017 the new award is a competition in the field of furnishing that aims at presenting interior design at a high level, irrespective of commercial purposes. At the same time, the award sees itself as a platform for the exchange of ideas and knowledge and as a productive meeting place for creative people, partners and companies. Each award has an overall theme, this year it is „The New Hospitality“.
Partners and supporters:
Die Presse, Architonic, DIVA Wohnen, designaustria, Creative Industries Styria, Vienna Design Week, Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach am Main, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien, ProHolz Austria und Holzcluster Steiermark, 25 hours Hotel, holzjob.eu, Blickfang Designmesse, KAPO Fenster und Türen, Lifestylehotels, TPA Horwath Wirtschaftsprüfung, blum Beschläge, Adler Lacke and many more.
About Neue Wiener Werkstaette:
KAPO Möbelwerkstätten GmbH manufactures and distributes high-quality furniture, upholstered furniture and accessories under the brand ‚Neue Wiener Werkstaette‘. The vision of ‚Neue Wiener Werkstaette‘ as a comprehensive furnishing company is to be quality leader in design, combined with high-quality craftsmanship in line with the philosophy of the historic Wiener Werkstaette. Following the tradition of values and objectives of the historic Wiener Werkstätte, Neue Wiener Werkstätte also instigates design initiatives. The objectives are combining high-quality craftsmanship with creativity in the production of contemporary, high-quality products in the field of furnishing.
Timeless living concepts by Neue Wiener Werkstaette, all furniture and upholstery are „made-to-measure“ (by Andreas Hofer)

Timeless living concepts by Neue Wiener Werkstaette, all furniture and upholstery are „made-to-measure“ (by Andreas Hofer)
×Timeless living concepts by Neue Wiener Werkstaette, all furniture and upholstery are „made-to-measure“ (by Andreas Hofer)

Timeless living concepts by Neue Wiener Werkstaette, all furniture and upholstery are „made-to-measure“ (by Andreas Hofer)
×All Images © Neue Wiener Werkstätte