“We wanted to give the world of radio a completely new face,” said Dani Büchi, CEO of Energy Group in Switzerland with reference to the redesign of their head office in Zurich.

This begins at the café bar “The studio” located on the ground floor. The station's employees get to meet their audience here, and musicians are invited to hang out too. The café's real magic lies in its integrated radio studio, where shows can be seen live.

There are 80 employees at the Zurich headquarters. Recently, they've been working in freshly renovated facilities – a design challenge because the building and floor plan are from the 1970s, while the world of Energy Group is young and dynamic. The objectives of the redesign are to project the company's identity clearly, to position Radio Energy as an attractive employer and, most importantly, to facilitate better and more efficient work.

Energy Group didn’t just incorporate state-of-the-art equipment into the redesign; it took a holistic approach to the health of its employees, offering them opportunities to keep fit while at work. Height-adjustable work surfaces are just the beginning.

Fruit and water are available at all times, and there's a fitness centre and a personal trainer and masseurs available for scheduled sessions. “Nobody needs to use this service – but everyone can, and that's what makes the difference,” Büchi said. In that way, a group dynamic arises in which employees motivate one another. And that, in turn, has a positive impact on each individual's work.

The branch in Bern has already been remodeled according to the same principles. Next stop: the office in Basel.

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