In Detail: Materials for Interiors
Text by Susanne Junker
Berlin, Germany
The latest volume in the prestigious 'Edition Detail' is, as the title suggests, devoted to materials for the interior.
The latest volume in the prestigious 'Edition Detail' is, as the title suggests, devoted to materials for the interior. As is usual in this series an introductory essay presents the subject in an informative and knowledgeable way, after which contemporary examples are used to demonstrate the application of materials and surface finishes, illustrated by photos, details and explanatory texts.
Starting with the indirect relationship between the user and the materials of walls, floors, ceilings and furniture, the focus is on the ability to experience their surfaces sensuously as well as the skill and coherence shown by the details and the craftsmanship. What is noticeable is that natural and artificial materials are treated almost as equals, although "smart materials" and sustainable properties are becoming increasingly important.
Wall covering made of wicker, church youth centre in Thalmässing, Meck Architects
The works which are presented include the LG Hi-Macs landscape at a hotel in Madrid created by Zaha Hadid, a church youth centre in Thalmässing designed by Meck Architects with walls made of finely woven wicker mesh, the undulating glass walls of the Casa da Musica in Porto by OMA and the ornamental golden metal skin of the Louis Vuitton flagship store in Paris designed by Carbondale Architects.
net-like metal skin at the Louis Vuitton flagship store in Paris designed by Carbondale Architects

net-like metal skin at the Louis Vuitton flagship store in Paris designed by Carbondale Architects
×In the "Trash or Treasure" category there are whimsical works such as the Chiquita Chandelier made by Anneke Jakobs from old banana boxes, and the 'crate house' made from empty drinks crates by Wolfgang Winter and Berthold Hörbelt.
processing and fitting the individual elements for the metal skin
Author: Christian Schittich (Ed.)
176 pages, 146 illustrations in colour, 67 b/w illustrations, 173 drawings
Format 23.0 x 29.7 cm, bound with protective sleeve
Publishers: Birkhäuser Verlag Basel Boston Berlin in cooperation with Detail Munich 2008
Recommended publisher's price: 65.- EUR
Language: German
ISBN: 978-3-7643-8809-6
All titles in the "In Detail" series are also available in English, while some titles are also published in French, Italian and Spanish.