Sobre Ak47

The company was founded in 2007.
The current design scene is represented by products that are repetitive, chasing after one another, and all very much alike.
The themes they deal with are too often similar, research and innovation are frequently neglected.
Hence the intuition of Ak47: to develop designs that shun the obvious, venturing into questions that are still unexplored.
The aim is to qualify simple objects; to enhance them and characterise them with the quest for a particular process, the innovative use of materials, the care for details.
This is the only way to escape the bonds of fleeting fashion and achieve lasting elegance.
Wood management is the first theme of the project that Ak47 tackled, but we wished to extend our range as much as possible in order to cover an infinite series of possibilities.
Our proposals aim to amaze with unexpected details, almost hidden at first glance.
And so the Ak47 collection of contemporary furnishing accessories was created, which seeks to discover the equilibrium between functionality and style to release a language that is able to bring together innovation, proportion, originality and usefulness.
“No architecture is so haughty as that which is simple”
John Ruskin

The company was founded in 2007.
The current design scene is represented by products that are repetitive, chasing after one another, and all very much alike.
The themes they deal with are too often similar, research and innovation are frequently neglected.
Hence the intuition of Ak47: to develop designs that shun the obvious, venturing into questions that are still unexplored.
The aim is to qualify simple objects; to enhance them and characterise them with the quest for a particular process, the innovative use of materials, the care for details.
This is the only way to escape the bonds of fleeting fashion and achieve lasting elegance.
Wood management is the first theme of the project that Ak47 tackled, but we wished to extend our range as much as possible in order to cover an infinite series of possibilities.
Our proposals aim to amaze with unexpected details, almost hidden at first glance.
And so the Ak47 collection of contemporary furnishing accessories was created, which seeks to discover the equilibrium between functionality and style to release a language that is able to bring together innovation, proportion, originality and usefulness.
“No architecture is so haughty as that which is simple”
John Ruskin