Sobre Glas Italia

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Artículos de Glas Italia

Architonic Trend Analysis | Top 100 Italian Brands



Material Tendencies: Piero Lissoni

Anita Hackethal


In the latest installment of our Architonic Material Tendencies series, we speak to Piero Lissoni, whose works represent a broad spectrum of interest – from architecture, interiors and furniture design through to graphics, photography and art

Material Tendencies: Jean-Marie Massaud

Anita Hackethal


Jean-Marie Massaud’s work marries, on the one hand, strong high-tech qualities with timeless elegance, lightness and warm comfort on the other.

Material Tendencies: Edward Barber & Jay Osgerby

Anita Hackethal


Established in 1996, British design duo Barber & Osgerby have worked across a variety of disciplines, including industrial design, interiors, architecture and site-specific installations.

Tokujin Yoshioka crystallises dreams



Infuse, bake, crystallise. These verbs aren’t used to describe the work of a cook but rather the work of Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka, whose fabulous exhibition at the Contemporary Museum of Art Tokyo, vividly illustrates the creative scope