Sobre Atelier Peekaboo

Damien Ummel and Thierry Didot, Industrial Designers HES, create Atelier Peekaboo in 2008.
Graduated form the ECAL in 2011, they share their various references through their works. Often far from the contemporary industrial design world, they get their's influences in music, books, art and the different cultures they moved in.
After some professional experiences, their vision refined and they begin to discern what they want to do as industrial designers. Desirous to take an active part to the whole process of each new product creation, they make it a point to step in the building and in the communication of each object.
By permanently questioning the industrial designer's role in a society surrounded by objects, they try to provide elements to respond to it.

Damien Ummel and Thierry Didot, Industrial Designers HES, create Atelier Peekaboo in 2008.
Graduated form the ECAL in 2011, they share their various references through their works. Often far from the contemporary industrial design world, they get their's influences in music, books, art and the different cultures they moved in.
After some professional experiences, their vision refined and they begin to discern what they want to do as industrial designers. Desirous to take an active part to the whole process of each new product creation, they make it a point to step in the building and in the communication of each object.
By permanently questioning the industrial designer's role in a society surrounded by objects, they try to provide elements to respond to it.