Sobre buildingstudio

buildingstudio began in 1999 by Coleman Coker after thirteen-year partnership with SamuelMockbee as Mockbee/Coker Architects. buildingstudio, a collaborative firm focusing on inventiveand imaginative work was founded with two principles in mind: first, to blur the boundariesbetween architecture, art, craft and thinking. Rather than separate disciplines, buildingstudioconsiders each essential to the larger realm of building. And coupled with that, buildingstudio’swork explores built presence grounded in the experience of the real world, building as realizedthrough a process of critical reflection. They’ve received numerous honors including a P/A DesignAward for low-cost housing “Breaking the Cycle of Poverty”, Emerging Voices from the ArchitecturalLeague of New York, numerous Architectural Record, “Record House” awards and National AIAHonor awards. buildingstudio’s work has been highlighted at MoMA, SF MoMA, Wexner Center forthe Arts, the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum and the National Building Museum inWashington, D.C.

buildingstudio began in 1999 by Coleman Coker after thirteen-year partnership with SamuelMockbee as Mockbee/Coker Architects. buildingstudio, a collaborative firm focusing on inventiveand imaginative work was founded with two principles in mind: first, to blur the boundariesbetween architecture, art, craft and thinking. Rather than separate disciplines, buildingstudioconsiders each essential to the larger realm of building. And coupled with that, buildingstudio’swork explores built presence grounded in the experience of the real world, building as realizedthrough a process of critical reflection. They’ve received numerous honors including a P/A DesignAward for low-cost housing “Breaking the Cycle of Poverty”, Emerging Voices from the ArchitecturalLeague of New York, numerous Architectural Record, “Record House” awards and National AIAHonor awards. buildingstudio’s work has been highlighted at MoMA, SF MoMA, Wexner Center forthe Arts, the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum and the National Building Museum inWashington, D.C.