Sobre CMG landscape architecture

The people and the working methods of a design firm are among its most critical and defining characteristics. We have set out to create a critical and collaborative culture based on enduring relationships and an open-minded environment where initiative and critical feedback flourish in creative synergies. We invite individuals to join us with a “bring your baggage” attitude, acknowledging that our best work grows out of distinct ideas.
From the smallest crack in the sidewalk to regional hydrological systems, our work involves the broadest range of scales. Many projects come to us thru a client or collaborator; many others are self initiated to ask a question or address a problem where there is a need. We work in a range of formats to reach different audiences and provoke conversation, including fee for service work, pro bono work, competitions, installations and gallery exhibitions, lecturing, teaching, community service, and activism.
We have committed ourselves to the larger project of improving public life in our cities and deepening our relationship with the natural world. Our criteria for selecting an individual project is that it hold the potential to contribute to this larger vision. We search for opportunities to test our ideas and broaden our knowledge base while refining our craft. In addition we look for opportunities to have fun.
CMG landscape architecture is committed to improving public life and deepening our relationship with the natural world. The studio cultivates a culture of critical, free thinkers and activists who bring a broad range of knowledge to address the cross-disciplinary issues of ecological urbanism.
CMG landscape architecture pursues a design process that draws from the hybridization of systems and the interdisciplinary collaboration of a broad spectrum of experts from scientists and artists to politicians, farmers, activists and developers. The results are complex design strategies that reflect an ecological philosophy of interconnection. With a focus on environmental performance and social vibrancy, CMG’s work strives to push urban design beyond a sustainable agenda towards regeneration of the life supporting systems that are fundamental to human inhabitation of this planet.
Landscape World, Vol. 24 2009
Topos, Vol. 67 2009
Fundamentals of Integrated Design for Sustainable Building, 2009
San Francisco Chronicle, May 12, 2009
California Home + Design, May 7, 2009
California Home + Design & AIA San Francisco, 2008-2009
Cleveland Plain Dealer, January 10, 2009
California Home + Design, September 2008
ArcCA, Issue 08.2
San Francisco Chronicle, June 12, 2008
San Francisco Magazine, June 2008
Custom Home, May/June 2008
San Francisco Chronicle, March 17, 2008
Architecture Record, February 2008
EPA Environmental News, January 31, 2008
2009 Best New Practices Award
CMG Landscape Architecture
2009 Clinton Climate Initiative, Climate Positive Development Program
Treasure Island Redevelopment Master Plan
2009 AIA Institute Honor Awards for Regional and Urban Design
Treasure Island Redevelopment Master Plan
2009 ASLA Professional Awards, General Design, Honor Award
Panhandle Bandshell
2009 ASLA Professional Awards, Residential Design, Honor Award
Crack Garden
2009 Building Design + Construction, Team Building Awards, Gold Award
Ohlone Community College
2009 AIA/ALA Library Building Awards of Excellence
University of California, Berkeley, C.V. Starr East Asian Library
2009 Residential Architect Design Award: Merit Residential Architect Magazine
Paseo Senter
2008 Silicon Valley Business Journal Structures Award: Affordable Housing Development Of The Year Paseo Senter
2008 AIA Design Awards, Urban Design, Merit Award
Panhandle Bandshell
2008 AIA Small Firms, Great Projects
Mint Plaza
2008 AIA East Bay, Bay Area Regional Design Awards, Exceptional Residential Merit Award
Blues Star Corner
2008 AIA SF Design Awards, Excellence in Architecture, Citation Award
Blue Star Corner
2008 Golden Nugget Awards (Pacifi c Coast Builders Conference), Merit Award for Green Building Blue Star Corner
2008 ASLA Professional Awards, Northern California Chapter, Merit Award
Panhandle Bandshell
2008 ASLA Professional Awards, Northern California Chapter, Merit Award
Treasure Island Redevelopment Master Plan
2008 ASLA Professional Awards, Northern California Chapter, Merit Award
555 4th Street
2008 ASLA Professional Awards, Northern California Chapter, Merit Award
Crack Garden
2008 “Best of the Bay” Award, San Francisco Magazine
Brainwash Plaza
2008 Custom Homes Design Award, Grand Award
Palo Alto Residence
2007 AIA Design Awards, Excellence in Architecture
Hercules Library
2006 AIA East Bay Design Awards, Merit Award
Palo Alto Residence
2005 Green Guide, Top Ten Green Schools
Lick Wilmerding High School
2005 AIA Small Firms, Great Projects
Gateway Childcare Center
2004 AIA CC Design Awards, Merit Award
Lick Wilmerding High School
2004 AIA SF Best of the Bay, Design Excellence Merit Award
Lick Wilmerding High School
2001 Winner, Juried Competition
Lick Wilmerding Highschool

The people and the working methods of a design firm are among its most critical and defining characteristics. We have set out to create a critical and collaborative culture based on enduring relationships and an open-minded environment where initiative and critical feedback flourish in creative synergies. We invite individuals to join us with a “bring your baggage” attitude, acknowledging that our best work grows out of distinct ideas.
From the smallest crack in the sidewalk to regional hydrological systems, our work involves the broadest range of scales. Many projects come to us thru a client or collaborator; many others are self initiated to ask a question or address a problem where there is a need. We work in a range of formats to reach different audiences and provoke conversation, including fee for service work, pro bono work, competitions, installations and gallery exhibitions, lecturing, teaching, community service, and activism.
We have committed ourselves to the larger project of improving public life in our cities and deepening our relationship with the natural world. Our criteria for selecting an individual project is that it hold the potential to contribute to this larger vision. We search for opportunities to test our ideas and broaden our knowledge base while refining our craft. In addition we look for opportunities to have fun.
CMG landscape architecture is committed to improving public life and deepening our relationship with the natural world. The studio cultivates a culture of critical, free thinkers and activists who bring a broad range of knowledge to address the cross-disciplinary issues of ecological urbanism.
CMG landscape architecture pursues a design process that draws from the hybridization of systems and the interdisciplinary collaboration of a broad spectrum of experts from scientists and artists to politicians, farmers, activists and developers. The results are complex design strategies that reflect an ecological philosophy of interconnection. With a focus on environmental performance and social vibrancy, CMG’s work strives to push urban design beyond a sustainable agenda towards regeneration of the life supporting systems that are fundamental to human inhabitation of this planet.
Landscape World, Vol. 24 2009
Topos, Vol. 67 2009
Fundamentals of Integrated Design for Sustainable Building, 2009
San Francisco Chronicle, May 12, 2009
California Home + Design, May 7, 2009
California Home + Design & AIA San Francisco, 2008-2009
Cleveland Plain Dealer, January 10, 2009
California Home + Design, September 2008
ArcCA, Issue 08.2
San Francisco Chronicle, June 12, 2008
San Francisco Magazine, June 2008
Custom Home, May/June 2008
San Francisco Chronicle, March 17, 2008
Architecture Record, February 2008
EPA Environmental News, January 31, 2008
2009 Best New Practices Award
CMG Landscape Architecture
2009 Clinton Climate Initiative, Climate Positive Development Program
Treasure Island Redevelopment Master Plan
2009 AIA Institute Honor Awards for Regional and Urban Design
Treasure Island Redevelopment Master Plan
2009 ASLA Professional Awards, General Design, Honor Award
Panhandle Bandshell
2009 ASLA Professional Awards, Residential Design, Honor Award
Crack Garden
2009 Building Design + Construction, Team Building Awards, Gold Award
Ohlone Community College
2009 AIA/ALA Library Building Awards of Excellence
University of California, Berkeley, C.V. Starr East Asian Library
2009 Residential Architect Design Award: Merit Residential Architect Magazine
Paseo Senter
2008 Silicon Valley Business Journal Structures Award: Affordable Housing Development Of The Year Paseo Senter
2008 AIA Design Awards, Urban Design, Merit Award
Panhandle Bandshell
2008 AIA Small Firms, Great Projects
Mint Plaza
2008 AIA East Bay, Bay Area Regional Design Awards, Exceptional Residential Merit Award
Blues Star Corner
2008 AIA SF Design Awards, Excellence in Architecture, Citation Award
Blue Star Corner
2008 Golden Nugget Awards (Pacifi c Coast Builders Conference), Merit Award for Green Building Blue Star Corner
2008 ASLA Professional Awards, Northern California Chapter, Merit Award
Panhandle Bandshell
2008 ASLA Professional Awards, Northern California Chapter, Merit Award
Treasure Island Redevelopment Master Plan
2008 ASLA Professional Awards, Northern California Chapter, Merit Award
555 4th Street
2008 ASLA Professional Awards, Northern California Chapter, Merit Award
Crack Garden
2008 “Best of the Bay” Award, San Francisco Magazine
Brainwash Plaza
2008 Custom Homes Design Award, Grand Award
Palo Alto Residence
2007 AIA Design Awards, Excellence in Architecture
Hercules Library
2006 AIA East Bay Design Awards, Merit Award
Palo Alto Residence
2005 Green Guide, Top Ten Green Schools
Lick Wilmerding High School
2005 AIA Small Firms, Great Projects
Gateway Childcare Center
2004 AIA CC Design Awards, Merit Award
Lick Wilmerding High School
2004 AIA SF Best of the Bay, Design Excellence Merit Award
Lick Wilmerding High School
2001 Winner, Juried Competition
Lick Wilmerding Highschool