Sobre europlac

Stemming from the wood agency Röhr, the new company Röhr GmbH was founded in 1992 with its main office in Tettnang / Lake of Constance, Germany. The investments in a new headquarters in 2015, the europlacHouse, offers a constant exhibition, consultation and sales of noble wood materials, all under one roof.
The europlacHOUSE boasts the trilogy of the europlacEXPO, europlacGALLERY und europlacBOUTIQUE, in which noble wood materials are combined with modern architecture, and which is certain to enchant and inspire architects, planners, interior designers, distributors – if not the entire wood and carpentry industry.

In 1994, Röhr Holding bought a furniture manufacturer in Topolcany, Slovakia, and restructured the company to produce noble wood materials. The location saw successive expansion projects, increasing the production area to 30,000 m² with over 200 employees. In prototype production, engineers work to transform ideas into serial products.
Our own logistics company transports the high-quality materials to our customers across Europe.
In the years since 1994, europlac has earned the trust of more than 1500 clients.

For more than twenty years, europlac has successfully and reliably produced a diverse product portfolio of noble wood materials for use in furniture and interior construction.
Industrial production of standard boards and furniture components, materials for large-scale projects as well as manufacturing on commission, all at one location. For every client’s request, we have a solution.
Following many years of development, europlac now manufactures certified fire-resistant and acoustic boards with noble wood surface layers.
Since 2016, the product range has been expanded to include FAGOPLEX® beech plywood, QUERCAPLEX® oak plywood and SPA-PLEX®, a spruce plywood board. Over 20,000 m² of high-quality noble wood materials are manufactured every day across four production lines.
europlac's main markets are in Europe, though our products are also increasingly sought after overseas.
Suitable for merchants, architects, planners and artisans, we stock more than 140 types of noble wood and over 40 varieties of base board.

"If we should interfere in nature’s path, we absolutely must ensure that balance is restored."
Heraclitus of Ephesus (Greek philosopher; 535 BC – 475 BC)

This responsibility is firmly anchored in our corporate philosophy. As a result, europlac exists and acts in accordance with the following principles:
The earth on which we live is the only earth we have. We must not exhaust our planet, because we recognise that all resources are finite. Therefore, we use resources sparingly and interact with nature in a sustainable manner. We respect and are mindful of the environment, and always seek to maintain a balance between man and nature.
europlac uses exclusively environmentally-friendly raw materials that harm neither nature nor humans!
Living and growing in harmony with nature

Stemming from the wood agency Röhr, the new company Röhr GmbH was founded in 1992 with its main office in Tettnang / Lake of Constance, Germany. The investments in a new headquarters in 2015, the europlacHouse, offers a constant exhibition, consultation and sales of noble wood materials, all under one roof.
The europlacHOUSE boasts the trilogy of the europlacEXPO, europlacGALLERY und europlacBOUTIQUE, in which noble wood materials are combined with modern architecture, and which is certain to enchant and inspire architects, planners, interior designers, distributors – if not the entire wood and carpentry industry.

In 1994, Röhr Holding bought a furniture manufacturer in Topolcany, Slovakia, and restructured the company to produce noble wood materials. The location saw successive expansion projects, increasing the production area to 30,000 m² with over 200 employees. In prototype production, engineers work to transform ideas into serial products.
Our own logistics company transports the high-quality materials to our customers across Europe.
In the years since 1994, europlac has earned the trust of more than 1500 clients.

For more than twenty years, europlac has successfully and reliably produced a diverse product portfolio of noble wood materials for use in furniture and interior construction.
Industrial production of standard boards and furniture components, materials for large-scale projects as well as manufacturing on commission, all at one location. For every client’s request, we have a solution.
Following many years of development, europlac now manufactures certified fire-resistant and acoustic boards with noble wood surface layers.
Since 2016, the product range has been expanded to include FAGOPLEX® beech plywood, QUERCAPLEX® oak plywood and SPA-PLEX®, a spruce plywood board. Over 20,000 m² of high-quality noble wood materials are manufactured every day across four production lines.
europlac's main markets are in Europe, though our products are also increasingly sought after overseas.
Suitable for merchants, architects, planners and artisans, we stock more than 140 types of noble wood and over 40 varieties of base board.

"If we should interfere in nature’s path, we absolutely must ensure that balance is restored."
Heraclitus of Ephesus (Greek philosopher; 535 BC – 475 BC)

This responsibility is firmly anchored in our corporate philosophy. As a result, europlac exists and acts in accordance with the following principles:
The earth on which we live is the only earth we have. We must not exhaust our planet, because we recognise that all resources are finite. Therefore, we use resources sparingly and interact with nature in a sustainable manner. We respect and are mindful of the environment, and always seek to maintain a balance between man and nature.
europlac uses exclusively environmentally-friendly raw materials that harm neither nature nor humans!
Living and growing in harmony with nature