Sobre HHF architekten

HHF architects was founded in 2003 by Tilo Herlach, Simon Hartmann and Simon Frommenwiler. Since then, HHF architects have realized several projects in Switzerland, Germany, China, Mexico and the USA. The scope of work ranges from large scale construction, like the fashion center ‘Labels 2‘ in Berlin, to interior design, such as the ‘Confiserie Bachmann‘ in Basel, to masterplanning, like the ‘public space and mobility strategy‘ for the city of Geneva in Praille-Acacias-Vernets, to public structures, such as the ‘Ruta del Peregrino‘ lookout point for a pilgrimage route near Guadalajara in Mexico, or the ‘Baby Dragon‘ pavilion in the Jinhua Architecture Park, China. From the beginning HHF were looking for collaborations with other architects, artists and specialists in order to widen the view on a project and enrich the quality of a specific proposal.
In addition to building, teaching is an important activity of the office. Since 2009 Simon Hartmann has been Professor at the HTA in Fribourg, Switzerland. Previously he served as a teaching assistant and head of teaching at the ETH Studio Basel, with Professors Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Roger Diener and Marcel Meili. Simon Frommenwiler was a teaching assistant with Professor Harry Gugger at the ETH in Lausanne. HHF architects also guest lectured at the UIA in Mexico City and at MIT in Boston, additionally participating as jury members at numerous universities.
2009 Extension Art Museum, Basel, int. competition - 4th Prize
2009 Office Building, Fuerstenriederstrasse, int. comp. - 2nd Prize
2009 Masterplan “Public Space & Mobility”, Geneva, int. comp. - 1st Prize
2009 Cooperative Living “Mehr als Wohnen”, Zurich, comp.
2009 Information Building, R. Nussbaum AG, Trimbach, comp.
2008 Elephant’s Park, Zurich Zoo, open competition - 6th prize
2008 Cowshed Wildenstein, invited study
2008 Location Reassessment Competition Aargau, invited study
2008 Confiserie Bachmann, competition - 1st prize and realization
2007 Housing Laubiweg, Zurich, Switzerland, invited competition
2007 Official Swiss exhibition design for the ‹7th São Paulo Biennial of Architecture› , invited competition – 1st prize and realization
2007 Urban study ‘Stadtränder Basel’, invited study
2007 Fashion Center Labels 2, Berlin, invited competition –1st prize and realization
2007 Mixed use high-rise building, Pratteln, Switzerland, invited study
UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG
2007 Port St. Johann - Novartis Campus Plus, Basel, invited competition
2006 Housing Zelgweg, Baden-Dättwil, competition – 3rd prize
2006 Design study Goetschel-Häuser, Basel, Switzerland
Houses 2, Taschen, 2010
Retail Architecture, Taschen, 2010
Architecture Now! 7, Taschen, 2010
Gallerie d’Arte, Motta Architecture, 2009
best architects 10, 2009
Architecture Competition Annual IX 2007, Archiworld, 2008
Architecture in China, Taschen, 04.07
Architecture Now! 5, Taschen, 09.07
Architektur neues Basel, Verlagshaus Braun, 04.07
ATMOSPHERE, The Shape of Things to Come, Birkhäuser, 2007
best architects 09, 2008
Dächer, Neubau Umbau Ausbau, DVA, 02.08
1000x european architects, Verlagshaus Braun, 10.06
Magazines and Newspapers:
archithese 01.05, 04.07, 01.09
architecture plus, 16/07, 17/07
architecture preview 002
+arquitectura, 06.07
as architecture suisse 171, 4.2008
a+u, 06:12
Basler Zeitung 17.01.06, 04.05.06, 20.11.07, 02.02.08
Basellandschaftliche Zeitung, 02.02.08
Bauwelt, 10.08
Die Welt, 05.11.07
Detail 6.08
Der Tagesspiegel, 10.11.07
Domus, 894/06, 920/09
Domus China, 006/06
FRAME 60/07, 64/08, 66/09
hochparterre, 04.05, 10.07, 11.07, 04.08, 6/7.08, 12.08
Hochparterre.wettbewerbe, 02.08
Le Temps, 08.02.08
ICON 006/08
ID+C, 12.06
MARK, 12/08, 15/08, 17/09
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 08.08.2006, 14.02.08
New York Times Magazine 9.11.08
Nomad 12.2008
SonntagsZeitung, 10.06.07
Tagesanzeiger, 20.02.08
TEC 21, 8.12.07, 13.6.08
Time + Architecture, 01.06
werk, bauen + wohnen, 03.08
32BNY Issue 5/6 Winter 2005
100% Country House, 2007
2010 Wallpaper Design Award Nominee
2010 Contractworld Award, for the Artfarm project
2009 American Architecture Award. for the Tsai Residence
2009 Gold Award “best architects 10” for the Artfarm project
2009 40 Under 40 Award, European Center for Art and Urban Studies
2009 Special Commend, AR Award for Emerging Architecture
2008 Award “Hase”, “The Best 09” for the Cafeteria Kirschgarten, by Hochparterre Magazine, Swiss TV, and the Museum of Design Zurich
2008 Gold Award for good Buildings “Auszeichnung guter Bauten” from the City of Basel for the Cafeteria Kirschgarten
2008 Award “best architects 09” for the Cafeteria Kirschgarten
2009 ARCH / SCAPES, Shenzen & Hong Kong Biennale of Architecture
2009 ARCH / SCAPES, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
2008 CAUE 92 (Conseil d’architecture, d’urbanisme et de l’environnement des Hauts-de-Seine), Sceaux-France, Composites, New Roof Kiss
2008 ARCH / SCAPES, Swiss Architecture Museum, Basel-Switzerland, exhibition design
2007 ARCH / SCAPES, 7th International Architecture Biennale São Paulo,
São Paulo-Brazil, exhibition design Swiss pavillon
2006 China contemporary, Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam- Netherlands, Jinhua Architecture Park, Baby Dragon
2005 Shenzen Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture, Shenzen-China
Jinhua Architecture and Arts Park, Baby Dragon
2009 ETH Zurich
2009 Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg, France
2007 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston-USA
2007 Institut Supérieur d’architecture Saint-Luc de Wallonie, Belgium
2002 - 2007 Different lectures for the ETH Studio Basel - ETH Zurich
2005 - 2007 Different lectures for the laboratory for architectural production lapa ETH Lausanne
2006 Bern, University of Applied Science and Arts
2006 UIA Mexico City

HHF architects was founded in 2003 by Tilo Herlach, Simon Hartmann and Simon Frommenwiler. Since then, HHF architects have realized several projects in Switzerland, Germany, China, Mexico and the USA. The scope of work ranges from large scale construction, like the fashion center ‘Labels 2‘ in Berlin, to interior design, such as the ‘Confiserie Bachmann‘ in Basel, to masterplanning, like the ‘public space and mobility strategy‘ for the city of Geneva in Praille-Acacias-Vernets, to public structures, such as the ‘Ruta del Peregrino‘ lookout point for a pilgrimage route near Guadalajara in Mexico, or the ‘Baby Dragon‘ pavilion in the Jinhua Architecture Park, China. From the beginning HHF were looking for collaborations with other architects, artists and specialists in order to widen the view on a project and enrich the quality of a specific proposal.
In addition to building, teaching is an important activity of the office. Since 2009 Simon Hartmann has been Professor at the HTA in Fribourg, Switzerland. Previously he served as a teaching assistant and head of teaching at the ETH Studio Basel, with Professors Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Roger Diener and Marcel Meili. Simon Frommenwiler was a teaching assistant with Professor Harry Gugger at the ETH in Lausanne. HHF architects also guest lectured at the UIA in Mexico City and at MIT in Boston, additionally participating as jury members at numerous universities.
2009 Extension Art Museum, Basel, int. competition - 4th Prize
2009 Office Building, Fuerstenriederstrasse, int. comp. - 2nd Prize
2009 Masterplan “Public Space & Mobility”, Geneva, int. comp. - 1st Prize
2009 Cooperative Living “Mehr als Wohnen”, Zurich, comp.
2009 Information Building, R. Nussbaum AG, Trimbach, comp.
2008 Elephant’s Park, Zurich Zoo, open competition - 6th prize
2008 Cowshed Wildenstein, invited study
2008 Location Reassessment Competition Aargau, invited study
2008 Confiserie Bachmann, competition - 1st prize and realization
2007 Housing Laubiweg, Zurich, Switzerland, invited competition
2007 Official Swiss exhibition design for the ‹7th São Paulo Biennial of Architecture› , invited competition – 1st prize and realization
2007 Urban study ‘Stadtränder Basel’, invited study
2007 Fashion Center Labels 2, Berlin, invited competition –1st prize and realization
2007 Mixed use high-rise building, Pratteln, Switzerland, invited study
UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG
2007 Port St. Johann - Novartis Campus Plus, Basel, invited competition
2006 Housing Zelgweg, Baden-Dättwil, competition – 3rd prize
2006 Design study Goetschel-Häuser, Basel, Switzerland
Houses 2, Taschen, 2010
Retail Architecture, Taschen, 2010
Architecture Now! 7, Taschen, 2010
Gallerie d’Arte, Motta Architecture, 2009
best architects 10, 2009
Architecture Competition Annual IX 2007, Archiworld, 2008
Architecture in China, Taschen, 04.07
Architecture Now! 5, Taschen, 09.07
Architektur neues Basel, Verlagshaus Braun, 04.07
ATMOSPHERE, The Shape of Things to Come, Birkhäuser, 2007
best architects 09, 2008
Dächer, Neubau Umbau Ausbau, DVA, 02.08
1000x european architects, Verlagshaus Braun, 10.06
Magazines and Newspapers:
archithese 01.05, 04.07, 01.09
architecture plus, 16/07, 17/07
architecture preview 002
+arquitectura, 06.07
as architecture suisse 171, 4.2008
a+u, 06:12
Basler Zeitung 17.01.06, 04.05.06, 20.11.07, 02.02.08
Basellandschaftliche Zeitung, 02.02.08
Bauwelt, 10.08
Die Welt, 05.11.07
Detail 6.08
Der Tagesspiegel, 10.11.07
Domus, 894/06, 920/09
Domus China, 006/06
FRAME 60/07, 64/08, 66/09
hochparterre, 04.05, 10.07, 11.07, 04.08, 6/7.08, 12.08
Hochparterre.wettbewerbe, 02.08
Le Temps, 08.02.08
ICON 006/08
ID+C, 12.06
MARK, 12/08, 15/08, 17/09
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 08.08.2006, 14.02.08
New York Times Magazine 9.11.08
Nomad 12.2008
SonntagsZeitung, 10.06.07
Tagesanzeiger, 20.02.08
TEC 21, 8.12.07, 13.6.08
Time + Architecture, 01.06
werk, bauen + wohnen, 03.08
32BNY Issue 5/6 Winter 2005
100% Country House, 2007
2010 Wallpaper Design Award Nominee
2010 Contractworld Award, for the Artfarm project
2009 American Architecture Award. for the Tsai Residence
2009 Gold Award “best architects 10” for the Artfarm project
2009 40 Under 40 Award, European Center for Art and Urban Studies
2009 Special Commend, AR Award for Emerging Architecture
2008 Award “Hase”, “The Best 09” for the Cafeteria Kirschgarten, by Hochparterre Magazine, Swiss TV, and the Museum of Design Zurich
2008 Gold Award for good Buildings “Auszeichnung guter Bauten” from the City of Basel for the Cafeteria Kirschgarten
2008 Award “best architects 09” for the Cafeteria Kirschgarten
2009 ARCH / SCAPES, Shenzen & Hong Kong Biennale of Architecture
2009 ARCH / SCAPES, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
2008 CAUE 92 (Conseil d’architecture, d’urbanisme et de l’environnement des Hauts-de-Seine), Sceaux-France, Composites, New Roof Kiss
2008 ARCH / SCAPES, Swiss Architecture Museum, Basel-Switzerland, exhibition design
2007 ARCH / SCAPES, 7th International Architecture Biennale São Paulo,
São Paulo-Brazil, exhibition design Swiss pavillon
2006 China contemporary, Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam- Netherlands, Jinhua Architecture Park, Baby Dragon
2005 Shenzen Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture, Shenzen-China
Jinhua Architecture and Arts Park, Baby Dragon
2009 ETH Zurich
2009 Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg, France
2007 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston-USA
2007 Institut Supérieur d’architecture Saint-Luc de Wallonie, Belgium
2002 - 2007 Different lectures for the ETH Studio Basel - ETH Zurich
2005 - 2007 Different lectures for the laboratory for architectural production lapa ETH Lausanne
2006 Bern, University of Applied Science and Arts
2006 UIA Mexico City