Sobre naço architectures

Marcelo Joulia, Founder
A global agency
Since the creation of Naço Paris, in 1991, his founder, the architect Marcelo Joulia knew and decided that architecture would not be the only ground of adventures of the agency. But, more widely, all which composes our global environment, its spaces, volumes and signs : architecture, interior architecture, design, graphic design, multimedia, fashion, events, scenography…
The whole articulated on a real control of new technologies. And with an important part of naço’s activity exclusively dedicated to research and to explore new boundaries. An independant laboratory where insight, imagination, feeling, sensibility and freedom which feed creation, dedicated to : rigour, mastery and innovation...
Tree agencies, tree characters
Naço Paris (since 1991)
Naço [Paris] is a strong multicultural team, multidisciplinary and complementary skills. Marcelo Joulia architect and manager, travels regularly to China and Argentina, and is heavily involved in projects undertaken by the three agencies.
Naço Shanghai (since 2005)
Naço [Shanghai] est une agence jeune et dynamique, représentatif de cette capitale en plein boom. L’agence se situe au sein de l’ancienne concession française (bridge 8) de Shanghai, un endroit bien connu des créateurs, et des studios de design.
Naço [Shanghai] is a young and dynamic team, representative of this booming town. The agency is located in the former French concession (bridge 8) from Shanghai, a well-known place by designers and design studios.
Naço Buenos Aires (since 2008)
Naço [Buenos Aires] is an architectural office from 8 people full of energy and creativity. Located in the heart of the historical district of Palermo, the agency benefits and enriches Naço of an American culture.
Dès la création de Naço, en 1991, son fondateur, lʼarchitecte Marcelo Joulia savait, décidait que la seule architecture ne serait pas lʼunique terrain dʼaventures de lʼagence. Mais, plus largement, tout ce qui compose notre environnement global, ses espaces, ses volumes et ses signes :
architecture, architecture intérieure, design, graphisme, multimédia, mode, événements, scénographie…
Le tout articulé sur une réelle maîtrise des nouvelles technologies. Et avec une grande part de lʼactivité de Naço exclusivement consacrée à la recherche et à lʼexploration. Soit un laboratoire autonome où lʼintuition, lʼimagination, lʼémotion, la sensibilité et la liberté qui nourrissent la création, sont au service de:
la rigueur, la maîtrise et lʼinnovation…

Marcelo Joulia, Founder
A global agency
Since the creation of Naço Paris, in 1991, his founder, the architect Marcelo Joulia knew and decided that architecture would not be the only ground of adventures of the agency. But, more widely, all which composes our global environment, its spaces, volumes and signs : architecture, interior architecture, design, graphic design, multimedia, fashion, events, scenography…
The whole articulated on a real control of new technologies. And with an important part of naço’s activity exclusively dedicated to research and to explore new boundaries. An independant laboratory where insight, imagination, feeling, sensibility and freedom which feed creation, dedicated to : rigour, mastery and innovation...
Tree agencies, tree characters
Naço Paris (since 1991)
Naço [Paris] is a strong multicultural team, multidisciplinary and complementary skills. Marcelo Joulia architect and manager, travels regularly to China and Argentina, and is heavily involved in projects undertaken by the three agencies.
Naço Shanghai (since 2005)
Naço [Shanghai] est une agence jeune et dynamique, représentatif de cette capitale en plein boom. L’agence se situe au sein de l’ancienne concession française (bridge 8) de Shanghai, un endroit bien connu des créateurs, et des studios de design.
Naço [Shanghai] is a young and dynamic team, representative of this booming town. The agency is located in the former French concession (bridge 8) from Shanghai, a well-known place by designers and design studios.
Naço Buenos Aires (since 2008)
Naço [Buenos Aires] is an architectural office from 8 people full of energy and creativity. Located in the heart of the historical district of Palermo, the agency benefits and enriches Naço of an American culture.
Dès la création de Naço, en 1991, son fondateur, lʼarchitecte Marcelo Joulia savait, décidait que la seule architecture ne serait pas lʼunique terrain dʼaventures de lʼagence. Mais, plus largement, tout ce qui compose notre environnement global, ses espaces, ses volumes et ses signes :
architecture, architecture intérieure, design, graphisme, multimédia, mode, événements, scénographie…
Le tout articulé sur une réelle maîtrise des nouvelles technologies. Et avec une grande part de lʼactivité de Naço exclusivement consacrée à la recherche et à lʼexploration. Soit un laboratoire autonome où lʼintuition, lʼimagination, lʼémotion, la sensibilité et la liberté qui nourrissent la création, sont au service de:
la rigueur, la maîtrise et lʼinnovation…