Sobre Nelson Resende

Nelson Resende
Nelson Joaquim Leite de Resende, Architect by FAUP since 2000.
He works since 1999, with several ateliers, learning different approaches to the project, allowing him to manage various scales, programs and distinct design, having a plural experience, complementary to its own individual path, that track since finishing the graduation. Prefers a close approach to the professional practice of the work in construction, defending the architecture just as the materialization of the project, the art of the know how of building.
Gives importance to a more intuitive approach to the project, indicating the particularities of the program, making the project a process of discovery at all levels, against absolute truths, the most dangerous knowledge's enemy. Defends that it can be the form over the function as well the function over the form, but preferentially preferentially defends both.
Doesn't reject working with the banality, in the same way that supports and advocates the need to change the paradigms, or better, eliminate them for the sake of sustainability of resources, the architecture itself and the society.
Rejects the preconception on the banal, way to mask the weakness of the response, the insecurity to prove the added value of the architect in situations of less comfort. Rejects the untouchable architect and also unable to work with limited resources. Defends the per-formative architecture as the banal architecture but he puts himself against the architecture as a mean of producing images, by itself.
Rejects the idea of fashion as tightly as avoids labels, so simply by considering them easy supports for justification of most theorists work. Defends the beautiful, but also the need for the disruptive, unclear and misunderstood, as a way to maintain interest in the finished structure. Defends the design on the basis of creating spaces with soul, instead of building spaces only with good materials and visual references of fashion. Hates conformism. Accepts the conceptual architecture in the same way that supports the architecture as a kind of art of building but does not accept concept-makers architects that do not know how to build - they are probably theorists of architecture, but not architects.

Nelson Resende
Nelson Joaquim Leite de Resende, Architect by FAUP since 2000.
He works since 1999, with several ateliers, learning different approaches to the project, allowing him to manage various scales, programs and distinct design, having a plural experience, complementary to its own individual path, that track since finishing the graduation. Prefers a close approach to the professional practice of the work in construction, defending the architecture just as the materialization of the project, the art of the know how of building.
Gives importance to a more intuitive approach to the project, indicating the particularities of the program, making the project a process of discovery at all levels, against absolute truths, the most dangerous knowledge's enemy. Defends that it can be the form over the function as well the function over the form, but preferentially preferentially defends both.
Doesn't reject working with the banality, in the same way that supports and advocates the need to change the paradigms, or better, eliminate them for the sake of sustainability of resources, the architecture itself and the society.
Rejects the preconception on the banal, way to mask the weakness of the response, the insecurity to prove the added value of the architect in situations of less comfort. Rejects the untouchable architect and also unable to work with limited resources. Defends the per-formative architecture as the banal architecture but he puts himself against the architecture as a mean of producing images, by itself.
Rejects the idea of fashion as tightly as avoids labels, so simply by considering them easy supports for justification of most theorists work. Defends the beautiful, but also the need for the disruptive, unclear and misunderstood, as a way to maintain interest in the finished structure. Defends the design on the basis of creating spaces with soul, instead of building spaces only with good materials and visual references of fashion. Hates conformism. Accepts the conceptual architecture in the same way that supports the architecture as a kind of art of building but does not accept concept-makers architects that do not know how to build - they are probably theorists of architecture, but not architects.