Sobre OBR Open Building Research

Paolo Brescia and Tommaso Principi
OBR Open Building Research was established by Paolo Brescia and Tommaso Principi in 2000 to investigate new ways of contemporary living, creating a design network between Milan and London, further extended to New York and Mumbai.
The Team of OBR develops its experimental line through the participation in international projects relating to public-private social programs. Their research investigates urban design promoting - through architecture - the sense of community and the individual identities.
The founding partners of OBR, Paolo and Tommaso together worked with Renzo Piano. They combine their professional experience with the academic world as guest lecturers at universities in Europe and Asia, such as Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, Kent State University, Helsinki Aalto University, University of Oulu, Academy of Architecture of Mumbai, College of Architecture of Pune, Mimar Sinan Fine Art University of Istanbul, Hacettepe University in Ankara and Politecnico di Milano. Paolo is professor of architectural design at the University of Genoa.
OBR’s projects have been featured in international exhibitions, including at the X Biennale di Architettura, Venice 2006; Architecture: Where to, London 2007; V Bienal de Arquitetura, Brasilia 2007; XI Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura, Buenos Aires 2007; AR Award Exhibition, Berlin 2008; China International Architectural Expo, Beijing 2009; International Expo, Shangai 2010; UIA 24th World Congress of Architecture, Tokyo 2011; International Green Building Summit, Istanbul 2012; Energy at MAXXI, Rome 2013; Italy Now, Bogotá 2014; Small Utopias, Johannesburg 2014 and the XIV Biennale di Architettura, Venice 2014.
OBR has been awarded with the AR Awards honourable mention for Emerging Architecture at the RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects in London, 2007; Plusform award for Best architecture realised by young architect under 40, 2008; Urbanpromo by INU Istituto Nazionale Urbanistica, 2008; Gold Medal finalist for Italian Architecture at Triennale di Milano, 2009; Europe 40 Under 40 in Madrid, 2010; In/Arch and Ance premium in Rome for the best completed project in Italy designed by young architect, 2011; Leaf Award overall winner in London, 2011; WAN Award Residential in London, 2011; Green Good Design Award in Chicago, 2012; Ad’A Award for Italian Architecture, 2013; Building Healthcare Award for Best International Design in London, 2014, and Inarch International Award for Architecture and Design 2015.
Paolo Brescia, Partner
Born in 1970, he graduates in architecture from the Politecnico di Milano in 1996 with Prof. Pierluigi Nicolin, after academic fellowship at Architectural Association in London.
He works with Renzo Piano from 1998 to 2000.
In 2000 he establishes OBR Open Building Research with Tommaso Principi from the idea of researching new ways of living, working within the confluence of architecture, landscape and environment.
He is professor in charge at Politecnico di Milano in 2005 and at Università di Genova in 2008.
He lectures widely including at Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Luiss of Rome, University of Trieste, Kent State University, Architecture Academy of Mendrisio, Aalto University in Helsinki, Academy of Architecture of Mumbai and University of Mimar Sinan Guzel Sanatlar.
He is invited in 2006 to participate at the 10th Biennale di Venezia and in 2007 at the V Bienal de Arquitetura de Brasília and at the XI Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires.
In 2007 he is awarded by the RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects of London with the honorable mention “AR Awards for Emerging Architecture” and he is presented at the London exhibition “Architecture: Where to”.
In 2008 he wins the “Plusform” award for the best architecture realized by young architect under 40, the “Urbanpromo” prize by INU Istituto Nazionale Urbanistica at the Biennale di Venezia and he is invited at the AR Award Exhibition in Berlin, Budapest and Seul.
In 2009 he is honourable mention finalist for the Gold Medal for Italian Architecture by Triennale di Milano and invited to take part at the China International Architectural Expo in Beijing.
In 2010 his projects are showed at the “Better City, Better Life” exhibition at the Shanghai International Expo and awarded with the Europe 40 Under 40 prize in Madrid.
In 2011 he receives in Rome the In/Arch and Ance premium for the best realized project designed by young architect and he is awarded in London with the overall Leaf Award.
In 2012 he wins the WAN Awards Residential in London.
Tommaso Principi, Partner
Born in 1970, he studies engineering at Università degli Studi di Bologna and architecture at Università degli Studi di Genova where he graduated in 1999 with Prof. Enrico D. Bona.
After the diploma in Sistemi Video at Università degli Studi di Genova, he makes several feature films between 1995 and 1998.
He works with Renzo Piano from 1997 to 1999.
In 2000 he establishes OBR Open Building Research with Paolo Brescia from the idea of researching new ways of living, working within the confluence of architecture, landscape and environment.
In 2007 he coordinates the International Workshop ICAMP for the Sustainable Developmement of Stretto di Messina, Italy.
He is professor in charge at Università di Genova in 2008.
He lectures widely including at Kent State University, Politecnico of Milan, Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, University of Messina.
He is invited in 2006 to participate at the 10th Biennale di Venezia and in 2007 at the V Bienal de Arquitetura de Brasília and at the XI Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires.
In 2007 he is awarded by the RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects of London with the honorable mention “AR Awards for Emerging Architecture” and he is presented at the London exhibition “Architecture: Where to”.
In 2008 he wins the “Plusform” award for the best architecture realized by young architect under 40, the “Urbanpromo” prize by INU Istituto Nazionale Urbanistica at the Biennale di Venezia and he is invited at the AR Award Exhibition in Berlin, Budapest and Seul.
In 2009 he is honourable mention finalist for the Gold Medal for Italian Architecture by Triennale di Milano and invited to take part at the China International Architectural Expo in Beijing.
In 2010 his projects are showed at the “Better City, Better Life” exhibition at the Shanghai International Expo and awarded with the Europe 40 Under 40 prize in Madrid.
In 2011 he receives in Rome the In/Arch and Ance premium for the best realized project designed by young architect and he is awarded in London with the overall Leaf Award.
In 2012 he wins the WAN Awards Residential in London.
Terrazza Triennale, Milan (1st prize)
Michelin HQ and Research Labs, Delhi (1st prize)
Atelier Castello, Milan (2nd prize)
Bayt Al Fann Jameel Arts, Jeddah (selected)
Santa Margherita Ligure Waterfront (1st prize)
Jameel Arts Centre, Dubai (2nd prize)
Via XX Settembre, Genova (1st prize)
City Waterfront, Cesme (1st prize)
Floriopoli Thematic Park, Palermo (2nd prize)
Museum of History and Museum of Science, Dalian (2nd prize)
Rio 2016 Olympic Park Master plan, Rio de Janeiro
Fiera di Messina (1st prize)
University centre and Accomodation, Shantou (1st prize)
Fengqing Square, Zhengzhou (1st prize)
Nuovo Ospedale Galliera, Genova (1st prize)
Masterplan Polo di Funo, Bologna (1st prize)
Venaria Urban Centre (2nd prize)
People Mover (2nd prize)
Torrenova Città Parco, Roma (short listed)
Province Offices, Bergamo (short listed)
Social Housing, Via Cenni Milano (special mention)
River Douglas Bridge, Lancashire UK
Wejchert Golf Club (2nd prize)
Campus Divino Amore, Roma (1st prize)
Museo Diocesano, Milano (3rd prize)
Waterfront Reggio Calabria (3rd prize)
Ponte Polcevera, Genova (1st prize)
Aeroporto di Reggio Calabria (1st prize)
Ex Cinema Roma, Parma (1st prize)
Nuovo Ospedale San Marco, Catania (2nd prize)
Museo di Arte Nuragica e Contemporanea, Cagliari (short listed)
Fiera Riva del Garda (short listed)
Residenze Varesine, Milano (short listed)
Residenze Milanofiori, Assago, Milano (1st prize)
Waterfront Rapallo (short listed)
Villa Reale di Monza (2nd prize)
Museo di Pitagora, Crotone (1st prize)
Galleria Sabauda nel Palazzo Reale di Torino (1st prize)
Nam June Paik Museum, Kionggy, South Korea
EVG Polo Intermodale, Trieste (1st prize)
Eco-connections, Reggio Emilia (2nd prize)
Tomihiro Museum, Azuma, Japan (selected).
iOArch, Complesso a Jaipur, Tra globale e locale
Atrium, Nová dimenzia Triennale, Slovakia, Osteria con vista sulla Terrazza della Triennale di Milano
Arketipo, Terrazza Triennale: restauro e apertura del nuovo ristorante di OBR
Edilizia e Territorio, Il Sole 24 Ore, Inaugura la Terrazza Triennale firmata OBR
Artribune, OBR e il nuovo ristorante sulla terrazza della Triennale di Milano
Domus, Una serra tra parco e città, I nuovi ristoranti con terrazza a Milano
Ait online, Restaurant Terrazza Triennale in Mailand von OBR
Edilportale, La Terrazza Triennale di OBR
Promozione Acciaio, Terrazza Triennale di Milano
Modern Property Manager, Terrazza餐厅), Beijing
Vivienda y Decoracion n.984, Escenografía transparente, Santiago
Area n°140, June 2015, Terrazza Triennale Restaurant / OBR
Giardino Italiano n° 2, June 2015, Uno sguardo su Milano
Perspective n° 7, July 2015, A glasshouse suspended between park and city, Hong Kong
Green Buildings n° 2, August 2015, Glasshouse restaurant: between the city and the park, Moscow
Suite n° 175, July/August 2015, Terrazza Triennale, Milano
Deco n° 62, September/December 2015, Magie étoilée d’une glasshouse, Beirut
Entremuros n° 229, September 2015, Adaptación Trasparente, Ciudad de México
A magazine Aïshti n° 79, August/September 2015, Just in Milan, Terrazza Triennale, Beirut
Architectural Material & Detail Structure, Liaoning Science & Technology Publishing House, China
Exé Architecture Détail Technique n° 18, Logement Milanofiori, Àvivre Éditions, Paris
Ark Arkkitehti Finnish Architectural Review n° 5, Lastensairaala OBR, Suomen Arkkitehttiilitto, Helsinki
A+D+M n° 49, Positive interaction, Publicomm, Savona
Corriere della Sera, 14 October 2014, Cultura, Big Change Big Chance, Milano
Identity Matters (a cura di Riccardo Salvi). Commons.
Architecture as evolutionary process, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano
Phaidon Atlas, OBR, London
Atlas of World Landscape Architecture, Braun Publishing, Schweiz
Wallpaper n° 178, Pythagoras Museum by OBR is more than the sum of its parts, IPC Media Ltd, London
Africa Missione Cultura n° 1, Benvenuti nel futuro: aprono in Africa i cantieri delle smart cities, Treviglio
Africa Big Change Chance, Editrice Compositori, Milano
Exé Architecture Détail Technique n° 18, Logement Milanofiori, Àvivre Éditions, Paris
Ark Arkkitehti Finnish Architectural Review n° 5, Lastensairaala OBR, Suomen Arkkitehttiilitto, Helsinki
A+D+M, n° 49, Positive interaction, Publicomm, Savona
Corriere della Sera, 14 October 2014, Cultura, Big Change Big Chance
Identity Matters (a cura di Riccardo Salvi). Commons.
Architecture as evolutionary process Paolo Brescia, Tommaso Principi. Franco Angeli Editore
Phaidon Atlas, London
Atlas of World Landscape Architecture, Braun Publishing, Switzerland
Wallpaper n° 178, Architecture, Pythagoras Museum by OBR, IPC Media Ltd, London
Africa, Benvenuti nel futuro: aprono in Africa i cantieri delle smart cities
Africa Big Change Chance, Editrice Compositori, 2014
Storia dell’Architettura Italiana, M. Biraghi e S. Micheli, Einaudi Editore, Torino
Piccole Uup[ie/Small Utopias, Italian architecture of the third millennium, Quodlibet
Collective Housing, Sandu Cultural Media, Guangzhou, China
Magazine of American Institute of Architects, October 2013, With Flying Colors, Washington
L. Prestinenza Puglisi, ItaliArchitettura 7, September 2013, Residenze Milanofiori, UTET, Turin
d+a Magazines, August 2013, Coloured with light, Singapore
World Health Design, July 2013, Design to Inspire, Billericay UK
Global Construction, Ghana tech city plans, The Chartered Institute of Building, Ascot
Livegreen, Sustainable multi award winning architecture in Milan, Media LLC, Ohio
Area n° 128, March 2013, Cellulae, F. Motta Editore, Milan
AJ Architects, 25th June 2013, OBR unrwraps Clapham extension, EMAP, London
Pippo Ciorra, Energy, Fondazione MAXXI, Mondadori Electa, Milan
L’Unità, 20th April 2013, Architetture energetiche: una mostra in movimento al MAXXI
Elle Décor n°4, April 2013, Oro nero, Hearst Magazines, Milan
Quotidiano Energia, Energy sbarca al MAXXI, Gruppo Italia Energia, Rome
Il Manifesto, 10th April 2013, Cultura, La cellula che crea spazio
La Repubblica, 9th April 2013, Ghana, Sei torri genovesi cambiano il volto dell’Africa
Il Corriere della Sera, 9th April 2013, Una poetica oltre la lampada
Il Corriere della Sera, 4th April 2013, Come eravamo idrocarburi
Il Manifesto, 29th March 2013, Le Architetture del petrolio
La Repubblica, 29th March 2013, Dal petrolio al post-petrolio, L’Espresso
DNews Roma, La mostra Energy, MAG Editoriale, Milan
Il Messaggero, 21st March 2013, La sfida di Energy: come fare città più belle
Area n° 127, March 2013, OBR, Pitagora Museum, F. Motta Ed, Milan
CNN, 20th March 2013, Africa’s tallest building’ set for tech city
BBC, HOPE City, London
La Repubblica, 16th March 2013, Energy.
La Repubblica, 14th March 2013, Energia in forma
Daily Graphic, 5th March 2013, HOPE City takes off, Accra
Lotus International, n° 148, New Urban Housing II, OBR, Milanofiori, Editoriale Lotus, Milan
Casabella n° 809, OBR Brescia e Principi, Museo Pitagora, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Verona
Common Ground, Italy - Le quattro stagioni, Marsilio Editori, Venice
Llop Torné, Working with the territory, Actar, Barcelona, Basel, New York
Lowrence Speck, Top International Residential Building, Design Vision Publishing, Hong Kong
Latest Apartment Building, Dalian University of Technology Press, Shenzhen
Ecologik n° 24, Leading Architectural Forum (LEAF), Architecture à vivre, Paris
Architettura & Design Lombardia, OBR, Residenze Milanofiori, Radl Communication, Milan
Anna Faresin, Architettura in calcestruzzo, Utet, Turin
Mimarlik, OBR, Boyut Yayin Grubu, Istanbul
Casa 24, Maxi Poli Ospedalieri in cantiere, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milan
Blueprint, LEAF Awards 2011, December, World Market Intelligence, London
A. Trivelli, Edilizia residenziale innovativa, Maggioli Ed., San Marino
Bo Yuan International Book Publishing Group, ShenZhen
Arketipo, June 2011, OBR, Milanofiori Nord Residence, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milan
AA.VV., Young Italian Blood 10, Annual dei talenti italiani, FM editore
Pitagora Museum, Architecture Lab, Beirut
OBR, Der Standard, Springer, Wien
L. Paschini, Progetti di giovani architetti italiani, Utet Scienze Tecniche, Turin
Latitudine 45°40’80’’ longitudine 9°15’20’’ Milanofiori Nord, S. Galateo e L. Molinari, MB, Milan
Kent State University, OBR, Ri-naturalizzazione della città al mare, Alinea Ed., Filorence
Costruire, 100% under 40, Residenze Milanofiori Nord, Abitare Segesta S.p.A.
Il Giornale dell’Architettura, Genova, piastra verde per il nuovo Galliera
AA.VV., Young Blood 09, Medaglia d’Oro dell’Architettura Italiana, FM editore, Rome
Roma, Meno è Più, Una nuova sequenza di trasformazioni urbane, LISt Barcellona
Progettare, Anno IX, n° 3, Speciale Social Housing: OBR Paolo Brescia e Tommaso Principi, Tecniche Nuove, Milan
Quaderni di GiArch, Giovani Architetti Italiani, OBR Open Building Research, UTET
Architecture X, Lido di Genova, Rhian, Shanghai
Indian Architect & Builder, IA&B
Lifestyle, anno III n° 8, Tra ragione ed emozione, editore Savir
Guglielmo Pelliccioli, Real Estate, 30 talenti per il futuro, Daily Real Esate S.r.l., Milan
Medaglia d’Oro all’Architettura Italiana, La Triennale di Milano, Electa, Milan
Casamica, January/February 2009, Gli Interni Esterni, RCS periodici, Milan
Casabella, n° 770, Premio Urbanistica 2008, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milan
Il Mondo, Il Corriere della Sera, 24th October 2008, Premio Delmonte
AA.VV., Young Italian Blood, Annual dei talenti italiani premiati nel mondo, Iron Ed.
Photon n° 11, July 2008, Photon Magazine, Tokyo, Japan
Progettare n° 14, Città sostenibile, Ecomondo, Arstudio Edizioni, San Marino
Il Giornale dell'Architettura, n° 64, Il Science Centre di OBR, Allemandi, Turin
Dwell Magazine, Dwell Online editor, New York, NY
1000 x Landscape Architecture, Verlagshaus Braun, Berlin
The Architectural Review, n° 1330, Emerging Architecture, OBR, London
Casabella Japan n° 759, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Architects Studio, Japan
Domus n° 900, Fra terra e cielo, Editoriale Domus, Milan
Progettare n° 009, Progettare una città sostenibile, Arstudio Edizioni, San Marino
Domus n° 899, Sardegna: i paesaggi del futuro, Editoriale Domus, Milan
Ulisse n° 269, Ecologie Contemporanee
Wettbewerbe aktuell n° 2/2007, Messe und Kongresszentrum Riva del Garda, Freiburg
1000 x European Architecture, Verlagshaus Braun, Berlin
Wettbewerbe aktuell n° 1/2007, Museum fur mediterrane nuragische und zeitgenossische Kunst, Stuttgart
Richard Burdett, Città Architettura e Società, La Biennale di Venezia, Marsilio, Venice
Franco Purini, La città nuova italia-y-26, Padiglione Italiano, Ed. Compositori, Bologna
Giovani Architetti Italiani, Young Italian Architects under 40, Progetto Contemporaneo
La Repubblica delle Donne, n° 510, Musei, il verde si addice a Pitagora
Ulisse Alitalia n° 264, Un itinerario tra paesaggio e architettura
D’Architettura n° 29, Laboratorio Italia 2006 Roma, Polo Intermodale FVG, Milan
Repertorio Variabile, nella formazione di una nuova generazione di architetti, Polo Intermodale FVG, Museo di Pitagora a Crotone, Libria Editore
Costruire n° 269, Architetti Under Quaranta, Giardini e Museo di Pitagora, Ed. Abitare Segesta, Milan
Il Giornale dell’Architettura, n° 32, Cabassi sceglie OBR per Milanofiori, U. Allemandi
A10 n°3, Media BV, Amsterdam
Jonathan Bell, Penthouse Living, Grassi Penthouse, John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane
Label, n° 17, Architecture: the bright side of the moon, Turin
Wallpaper, n° 70, Architects Directory. The 25 most intriguing architects, IPC Ltd, London
Area n° 72, Giardino di Pitagora, F. Motta Editore, Milan
D’Architettura, n° 18, F. Motta Editore, Milan
Label n° 17, Architecture: the bright side of the moon, Turin
Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, Tre parole per il prossimo futuro, Edizioni Meltemi, Rome
Wallpaper n° 53, Architects to watch, IPC Media Ltd, London.
Inarch International Award for Architecture and Design, Milano
Building Healthcare Award for Best International Design, London
Architizer A + Awards, Finalist, London
Ad’A Award for Italian Architecture
Gold Medal for Italian Architecture, Finalist, La Triennale di Milano
Green Good Design, Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design, Chicago
WAN Awards Residential, London
Overall Leaf Awards Winner, London
Leaf Leading European Architect Forum Award, Residential Building of the Year, London
In/Arch Ance Award, Realized Architecture by young architect, Roma
European 40 Under 40 Award, Madrid
Gold Medal for Italian Architecture, Honourable Mention, La Triennale di Milano
Urbanpromo Award, INU Istituto Nazionale Urbanistica, La Biennale di Venezia
Plusform Award, Best realized architecture under 40
AR Award for Emerging Architecture, RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects, London
LabQ. Laboratorio per la Qualità Urbana, Pisa
Grattanuvole, Latorrecomune, Fondazione Catella, Milan
Atelier Castello, Un bene Comune, Triennale di Milano
AFRICA Big Change Big Change, Triennale di Milano
OBR, Emerging Architects, Buro Happold, London
14° Mostra Internazionale di Architettura, Innesti / Grafting, Padiglione Italia, Venice Biennale
Small Utopias, Italian Cultural Institute, Athens
Small Utopias, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Italy Now, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá
Archmarathon Awards, Workspaces: Children’s Hospital
Piccole Utopie, Tongji University, Shanghai
The Energy of the Road, New urban scenarios in the post-oil era, MAXXI, Rome
Cellulae, Salone del Mobile, Milan
Right to Energy, MAXXI, Rome
XIII Biennale di Venezia di Architettura, Common Ground, Venice
Medaglia D’Oro all’Architettura Italiana, Triennale di Milano
Italy Now, UIA 2011 24th World Congress of Architecture, Tokyo
ASJ TV, New Wave in Architecture, OBR Open Building Research, Tokyo
In/Arch Ance, Rome
Young Blood, Annual dei talenti italiani, Rome
Rassegna Italiana, Università di Roma La Sapienza
Ordine degli Architetti di Bologna, Saie, Bologna
Rigenerazione Urbana, Catania
Europe 40 Under 40 Exhibition, Madrid
Giovani Architetti Italiani, GiArch, Utet, Casa dell’Architettura, Rome
Better City, Better Life, World Trade Centre, Shanghai International Expo
Spot on Architecture, Milanofiori, University of Florence
Giovani Architetti, GiArch, Casa dell’Architettura, Rome
China International Architectural Expo, Beijing
Medaglia D’Oro all’Architettura Italiana, Triennale di Milano
AR Awards exhibition, Berlin
Arup World Architecture Festival, Barcellona
Collasso Energetico, Bioarchitettura e Biourbanistica, Teatro Cargo, Genoa
Rizoma, Biennale giovani architetti, Pontedera
AR Awards exhibition, Budapest
AR Awards exihibition, Seoul
AR Awards for Emerging Architecture, RIBA, London
Architecture: Where to, Cross Borders, concepts of a unified Europe/world, London
Plusform, Architetture realizzate under 40
Città e territorio tra crescita e sostenibilità, Hanoi
XI Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura, Buenos Aires
V Biennale di Architettura, Contemporary Ecologies, Brasilia
10° Biennale di Venezia di Architettura, Città. Architettura e società, Padiglione Italiano
Young Italian Architects under 40, Venice
Archimedia, InArch, Culture contemporanee
Biennale del Paesaggio mediterraneo, Pescara
NIB+ICAR travelling 2004, Roma, Glasgow, Belgrado, Helsinki
Architetture di qualità under 40, Ordine degli Architetti di Salerno
Graz Biennal on Media and Architecture, ArtImage, Graz
Intimacy, iMage, Stazione Leopolda, a cura di Marco Brizzi, Florence
Beyond the media 03, Image, Ospedale degli Innocenti, Florence
Intercittà, Reggio Emilia.
Other locations
London W1T 3EQ,
71 Newman Street,
United Kingdom
Phone +44 20 79279788
London WC1R 4JS
20 Bedford Row
United Kingdom
Milano 20121
Via Ciovasso 4

Paolo Brescia and Tommaso Principi
OBR Open Building Research was established by Paolo Brescia and Tommaso Principi in 2000 to investigate new ways of contemporary living, creating a design network between Milan and London, further extended to New York and Mumbai.
The Team of OBR develops its experimental line through the participation in international projects relating to public-private social programs. Their research investigates urban design promoting - through architecture - the sense of community and the individual identities.
The founding partners of OBR, Paolo and Tommaso together worked with Renzo Piano. They combine their professional experience with the academic world as guest lecturers at universities in Europe and Asia, such as Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, Kent State University, Helsinki Aalto University, University of Oulu, Academy of Architecture of Mumbai, College of Architecture of Pune, Mimar Sinan Fine Art University of Istanbul, Hacettepe University in Ankara and Politecnico di Milano. Paolo is professor of architectural design at the University of Genoa.
OBR’s projects have been featured in international exhibitions, including at the X Biennale di Architettura, Venice 2006; Architecture: Where to, London 2007; V Bienal de Arquitetura, Brasilia 2007; XI Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura, Buenos Aires 2007; AR Award Exhibition, Berlin 2008; China International Architectural Expo, Beijing 2009; International Expo, Shangai 2010; UIA 24th World Congress of Architecture, Tokyo 2011; International Green Building Summit, Istanbul 2012; Energy at MAXXI, Rome 2013; Italy Now, Bogotá 2014; Small Utopias, Johannesburg 2014 and the XIV Biennale di Architettura, Venice 2014.
OBR has been awarded with the AR Awards honourable mention for Emerging Architecture at the RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects in London, 2007; Plusform award for Best architecture realised by young architect under 40, 2008; Urbanpromo by INU Istituto Nazionale Urbanistica, 2008; Gold Medal finalist for Italian Architecture at Triennale di Milano, 2009; Europe 40 Under 40 in Madrid, 2010; In/Arch and Ance premium in Rome for the best completed project in Italy designed by young architect, 2011; Leaf Award overall winner in London, 2011; WAN Award Residential in London, 2011; Green Good Design Award in Chicago, 2012; Ad’A Award for Italian Architecture, 2013; Building Healthcare Award for Best International Design in London, 2014, and Inarch International Award for Architecture and Design 2015.
Paolo Brescia, Partner
Born in 1970, he graduates in architecture from the Politecnico di Milano in 1996 with Prof. Pierluigi Nicolin, after academic fellowship at Architectural Association in London.
He works with Renzo Piano from 1998 to 2000.
In 2000 he establishes OBR Open Building Research with Tommaso Principi from the idea of researching new ways of living, working within the confluence of architecture, landscape and environment.
He is professor in charge at Politecnico di Milano in 2005 and at Università di Genova in 2008.
He lectures widely including at Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Luiss of Rome, University of Trieste, Kent State University, Architecture Academy of Mendrisio, Aalto University in Helsinki, Academy of Architecture of Mumbai and University of Mimar Sinan Guzel Sanatlar.
He is invited in 2006 to participate at the 10th Biennale di Venezia and in 2007 at the V Bienal de Arquitetura de Brasília and at the XI Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires.
In 2007 he is awarded by the RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects of London with the honorable mention “AR Awards for Emerging Architecture” and he is presented at the London exhibition “Architecture: Where to”.
In 2008 he wins the “Plusform” award for the best architecture realized by young architect under 40, the “Urbanpromo” prize by INU Istituto Nazionale Urbanistica at the Biennale di Venezia and he is invited at the AR Award Exhibition in Berlin, Budapest and Seul.
In 2009 he is honourable mention finalist for the Gold Medal for Italian Architecture by Triennale di Milano and invited to take part at the China International Architectural Expo in Beijing.
In 2010 his projects are showed at the “Better City, Better Life” exhibition at the Shanghai International Expo and awarded with the Europe 40 Under 40 prize in Madrid.
In 2011 he receives in Rome the In/Arch and Ance premium for the best realized project designed by young architect and he is awarded in London with the overall Leaf Award.
In 2012 he wins the WAN Awards Residential in London.
Tommaso Principi, Partner
Born in 1970, he studies engineering at Università degli Studi di Bologna and architecture at Università degli Studi di Genova where he graduated in 1999 with Prof. Enrico D. Bona.
After the diploma in Sistemi Video at Università degli Studi di Genova, he makes several feature films between 1995 and 1998.
He works with Renzo Piano from 1997 to 1999.
In 2000 he establishes OBR Open Building Research with Paolo Brescia from the idea of researching new ways of living, working within the confluence of architecture, landscape and environment.
In 2007 he coordinates the International Workshop ICAMP for the Sustainable Developmement of Stretto di Messina, Italy.
He is professor in charge at Università di Genova in 2008.
He lectures widely including at Kent State University, Politecnico of Milan, Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, University of Messina.
He is invited in 2006 to participate at the 10th Biennale di Venezia and in 2007 at the V Bienal de Arquitetura de Brasília and at the XI Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires.
In 2007 he is awarded by the RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects of London with the honorable mention “AR Awards for Emerging Architecture” and he is presented at the London exhibition “Architecture: Where to”.
In 2008 he wins the “Plusform” award for the best architecture realized by young architect under 40, the “Urbanpromo” prize by INU Istituto Nazionale Urbanistica at the Biennale di Venezia and he is invited at the AR Award Exhibition in Berlin, Budapest and Seul.
In 2009 he is honourable mention finalist for the Gold Medal for Italian Architecture by Triennale di Milano and invited to take part at the China International Architectural Expo in Beijing.
In 2010 his projects are showed at the “Better City, Better Life” exhibition at the Shanghai International Expo and awarded with the Europe 40 Under 40 prize in Madrid.
In 2011 he receives in Rome the In/Arch and Ance premium for the best realized project designed by young architect and he is awarded in London with the overall Leaf Award.
In 2012 he wins the WAN Awards Residential in London.
Terrazza Triennale, Milan (1st prize)
Michelin HQ and Research Labs, Delhi (1st prize)
Atelier Castello, Milan (2nd prize)
Bayt Al Fann Jameel Arts, Jeddah (selected)
Santa Margherita Ligure Waterfront (1st prize)
Jameel Arts Centre, Dubai (2nd prize)
Via XX Settembre, Genova (1st prize)
City Waterfront, Cesme (1st prize)
Floriopoli Thematic Park, Palermo (2nd prize)
Museum of History and Museum of Science, Dalian (2nd prize)
Rio 2016 Olympic Park Master plan, Rio de Janeiro
Fiera di Messina (1st prize)
University centre and Accomodation, Shantou (1st prize)
Fengqing Square, Zhengzhou (1st prize)
Nuovo Ospedale Galliera, Genova (1st prize)
Masterplan Polo di Funo, Bologna (1st prize)
Venaria Urban Centre (2nd prize)
People Mover (2nd prize)
Torrenova Città Parco, Roma (short listed)
Province Offices, Bergamo (short listed)
Social Housing, Via Cenni Milano (special mention)
River Douglas Bridge, Lancashire UK
Wejchert Golf Club (2nd prize)
Campus Divino Amore, Roma (1st prize)
Museo Diocesano, Milano (3rd prize)
Waterfront Reggio Calabria (3rd prize)
Ponte Polcevera, Genova (1st prize)
Aeroporto di Reggio Calabria (1st prize)
Ex Cinema Roma, Parma (1st prize)
Nuovo Ospedale San Marco, Catania (2nd prize)
Museo di Arte Nuragica e Contemporanea, Cagliari (short listed)
Fiera Riva del Garda (short listed)
Residenze Varesine, Milano (short listed)
Residenze Milanofiori, Assago, Milano (1st prize)
Waterfront Rapallo (short listed)
Villa Reale di Monza (2nd prize)
Museo di Pitagora, Crotone (1st prize)
Galleria Sabauda nel Palazzo Reale di Torino (1st prize)
Nam June Paik Museum, Kionggy, South Korea
EVG Polo Intermodale, Trieste (1st prize)
Eco-connections, Reggio Emilia (2nd prize)
Tomihiro Museum, Azuma, Japan (selected).
iOArch, Complesso a Jaipur, Tra globale e locale
Atrium, Nová dimenzia Triennale, Slovakia, Osteria con vista sulla Terrazza della Triennale di Milano
Arketipo, Terrazza Triennale: restauro e apertura del nuovo ristorante di OBR
Edilizia e Territorio, Il Sole 24 Ore, Inaugura la Terrazza Triennale firmata OBR
Artribune, OBR e il nuovo ristorante sulla terrazza della Triennale di Milano
Domus, Una serra tra parco e città, I nuovi ristoranti con terrazza a Milano
Ait online, Restaurant Terrazza Triennale in Mailand von OBR
Edilportale, La Terrazza Triennale di OBR
Promozione Acciaio, Terrazza Triennale di Milano
Modern Property Manager, Terrazza餐厅), Beijing
Vivienda y Decoracion n.984, Escenografía transparente, Santiago
Area n°140, June 2015, Terrazza Triennale Restaurant / OBR
Giardino Italiano n° 2, June 2015, Uno sguardo su Milano
Perspective n° 7, July 2015, A glasshouse suspended between park and city, Hong Kong
Green Buildings n° 2, August 2015, Glasshouse restaurant: between the city and the park, Moscow
Suite n° 175, July/August 2015, Terrazza Triennale, Milano
Deco n° 62, September/December 2015, Magie étoilée d’une glasshouse, Beirut
Entremuros n° 229, September 2015, Adaptación Trasparente, Ciudad de México
A magazine Aïshti n° 79, August/September 2015, Just in Milan, Terrazza Triennale, Beirut
Architectural Material & Detail Structure, Liaoning Science & Technology Publishing House, China
Exé Architecture Détail Technique n° 18, Logement Milanofiori, Àvivre Éditions, Paris
Ark Arkkitehti Finnish Architectural Review n° 5, Lastensairaala OBR, Suomen Arkkitehttiilitto, Helsinki
A+D+M n° 49, Positive interaction, Publicomm, Savona
Corriere della Sera, 14 October 2014, Cultura, Big Change Big Chance, Milano
Identity Matters (a cura di Riccardo Salvi). Commons.
Architecture as evolutionary process, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano
Phaidon Atlas, OBR, London
Atlas of World Landscape Architecture, Braun Publishing, Schweiz
Wallpaper n° 178, Pythagoras Museum by OBR is more than the sum of its parts, IPC Media Ltd, London
Africa Missione Cultura n° 1, Benvenuti nel futuro: aprono in Africa i cantieri delle smart cities, Treviglio
Africa Big Change Chance, Editrice Compositori, Milano
Exé Architecture Détail Technique n° 18, Logement Milanofiori, Àvivre Éditions, Paris
Ark Arkkitehti Finnish Architectural Review n° 5, Lastensairaala OBR, Suomen Arkkitehttiilitto, Helsinki
A+D+M, n° 49, Positive interaction, Publicomm, Savona
Corriere della Sera, 14 October 2014, Cultura, Big Change Big Chance
Identity Matters (a cura di Riccardo Salvi). Commons.
Architecture as evolutionary process Paolo Brescia, Tommaso Principi. Franco Angeli Editore
Phaidon Atlas, London
Atlas of World Landscape Architecture, Braun Publishing, Switzerland
Wallpaper n° 178, Architecture, Pythagoras Museum by OBR, IPC Media Ltd, London
Africa, Benvenuti nel futuro: aprono in Africa i cantieri delle smart cities
Africa Big Change Chance, Editrice Compositori, 2014
Storia dell’Architettura Italiana, M. Biraghi e S. Micheli, Einaudi Editore, Torino
Piccole Uup[ie/Small Utopias, Italian architecture of the third millennium, Quodlibet
Collective Housing, Sandu Cultural Media, Guangzhou, China
Magazine of American Institute of Architects, October 2013, With Flying Colors, Washington
L. Prestinenza Puglisi, ItaliArchitettura 7, September 2013, Residenze Milanofiori, UTET, Turin
d+a Magazines, August 2013, Coloured with light, Singapore
World Health Design, July 2013, Design to Inspire, Billericay UK
Global Construction, Ghana tech city plans, The Chartered Institute of Building, Ascot
Livegreen, Sustainable multi award winning architecture in Milan, Media LLC, Ohio
Area n° 128, March 2013, Cellulae, F. Motta Editore, Milan
AJ Architects, 25th June 2013, OBR unrwraps Clapham extension, EMAP, London
Pippo Ciorra, Energy, Fondazione MAXXI, Mondadori Electa, Milan
L’Unità, 20th April 2013, Architetture energetiche: una mostra in movimento al MAXXI
Elle Décor n°4, April 2013, Oro nero, Hearst Magazines, Milan
Quotidiano Energia, Energy sbarca al MAXXI, Gruppo Italia Energia, Rome
Il Manifesto, 10th April 2013, Cultura, La cellula che crea spazio
La Repubblica, 9th April 2013, Ghana, Sei torri genovesi cambiano il volto dell’Africa
Il Corriere della Sera, 9th April 2013, Una poetica oltre la lampada
Il Corriere della Sera, 4th April 2013, Come eravamo idrocarburi
Il Manifesto, 29th March 2013, Le Architetture del petrolio
La Repubblica, 29th March 2013, Dal petrolio al post-petrolio, L’Espresso
DNews Roma, La mostra Energy, MAG Editoriale, Milan
Il Messaggero, 21st March 2013, La sfida di Energy: come fare città più belle
Area n° 127, March 2013, OBR, Pitagora Museum, F. Motta Ed, Milan
CNN, 20th March 2013, Africa’s tallest building’ set for tech city
BBC, HOPE City, London
La Repubblica, 16th March 2013, Energy.
La Repubblica, 14th March 2013, Energia in forma
Daily Graphic, 5th March 2013, HOPE City takes off, Accra
Lotus International, n° 148, New Urban Housing II, OBR, Milanofiori, Editoriale Lotus, Milan
Casabella n° 809, OBR Brescia e Principi, Museo Pitagora, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Verona
Common Ground, Italy - Le quattro stagioni, Marsilio Editori, Venice
Llop Torné, Working with the territory, Actar, Barcelona, Basel, New York
Lowrence Speck, Top International Residential Building, Design Vision Publishing, Hong Kong
Latest Apartment Building, Dalian University of Technology Press, Shenzhen
Ecologik n° 24, Leading Architectural Forum (LEAF), Architecture à vivre, Paris
Architettura & Design Lombardia, OBR, Residenze Milanofiori, Radl Communication, Milan
Anna Faresin, Architettura in calcestruzzo, Utet, Turin
Mimarlik, OBR, Boyut Yayin Grubu, Istanbul
Casa 24, Maxi Poli Ospedalieri in cantiere, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milan
Blueprint, LEAF Awards 2011, December, World Market Intelligence, London
A. Trivelli, Edilizia residenziale innovativa, Maggioli Ed., San Marino
Bo Yuan International Book Publishing Group, ShenZhen
Arketipo, June 2011, OBR, Milanofiori Nord Residence, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milan
AA.VV., Young Italian Blood 10, Annual dei talenti italiani, FM editore
Pitagora Museum, Architecture Lab, Beirut
OBR, Der Standard, Springer, Wien
L. Paschini, Progetti di giovani architetti italiani, Utet Scienze Tecniche, Turin
Latitudine 45°40’80’’ longitudine 9°15’20’’ Milanofiori Nord, S. Galateo e L. Molinari, MB, Milan
Kent State University, OBR, Ri-naturalizzazione della città al mare, Alinea Ed., Filorence
Costruire, 100% under 40, Residenze Milanofiori Nord, Abitare Segesta S.p.A.
Il Giornale dell’Architettura, Genova, piastra verde per il nuovo Galliera
AA.VV., Young Blood 09, Medaglia d’Oro dell’Architettura Italiana, FM editore, Rome
Roma, Meno è Più, Una nuova sequenza di trasformazioni urbane, LISt Barcellona
Progettare, Anno IX, n° 3, Speciale Social Housing: OBR Paolo Brescia e Tommaso Principi, Tecniche Nuove, Milan
Quaderni di GiArch, Giovani Architetti Italiani, OBR Open Building Research, UTET
Architecture X, Lido di Genova, Rhian, Shanghai
Indian Architect & Builder, IA&B
Lifestyle, anno III n° 8, Tra ragione ed emozione, editore Savir
Guglielmo Pelliccioli, Real Estate, 30 talenti per il futuro, Daily Real Esate S.r.l., Milan
Medaglia d’Oro all’Architettura Italiana, La Triennale di Milano, Electa, Milan
Casamica, January/February 2009, Gli Interni Esterni, RCS periodici, Milan
Casabella, n° 770, Premio Urbanistica 2008, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milan
Il Mondo, Il Corriere della Sera, 24th October 2008, Premio Delmonte
AA.VV., Young Italian Blood, Annual dei talenti italiani premiati nel mondo, Iron Ed.
Photon n° 11, July 2008, Photon Magazine, Tokyo, Japan
Progettare n° 14, Città sostenibile, Ecomondo, Arstudio Edizioni, San Marino
Il Giornale dell'Architettura, n° 64, Il Science Centre di OBR, Allemandi, Turin
Dwell Magazine, Dwell Online editor, New York, NY
1000 x Landscape Architecture, Verlagshaus Braun, Berlin
The Architectural Review, n° 1330, Emerging Architecture, OBR, London
Casabella Japan n° 759, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Architects Studio, Japan
Domus n° 900, Fra terra e cielo, Editoriale Domus, Milan
Progettare n° 009, Progettare una città sostenibile, Arstudio Edizioni, San Marino
Domus n° 899, Sardegna: i paesaggi del futuro, Editoriale Domus, Milan
Ulisse n° 269, Ecologie Contemporanee
Wettbewerbe aktuell n° 2/2007, Messe und Kongresszentrum Riva del Garda, Freiburg
1000 x European Architecture, Verlagshaus Braun, Berlin
Wettbewerbe aktuell n° 1/2007, Museum fur mediterrane nuragische und zeitgenossische Kunst, Stuttgart
Richard Burdett, Città Architettura e Società, La Biennale di Venezia, Marsilio, Venice
Franco Purini, La città nuova italia-y-26, Padiglione Italiano, Ed. Compositori, Bologna
Giovani Architetti Italiani, Young Italian Architects under 40, Progetto Contemporaneo
La Repubblica delle Donne, n° 510, Musei, il verde si addice a Pitagora
Ulisse Alitalia n° 264, Un itinerario tra paesaggio e architettura
D’Architettura n° 29, Laboratorio Italia 2006 Roma, Polo Intermodale FVG, Milan
Repertorio Variabile, nella formazione di una nuova generazione di architetti, Polo Intermodale FVG, Museo di Pitagora a Crotone, Libria Editore
Costruire n° 269, Architetti Under Quaranta, Giardini e Museo di Pitagora, Ed. Abitare Segesta, Milan
Il Giornale dell’Architettura, n° 32, Cabassi sceglie OBR per Milanofiori, U. Allemandi
A10 n°3, Media BV, Amsterdam
Jonathan Bell, Penthouse Living, Grassi Penthouse, John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane
Label, n° 17, Architecture: the bright side of the moon, Turin
Wallpaper, n° 70, Architects Directory. The 25 most intriguing architects, IPC Ltd, London
Area n° 72, Giardino di Pitagora, F. Motta Editore, Milan
D’Architettura, n° 18, F. Motta Editore, Milan
Label n° 17, Architecture: the bright side of the moon, Turin
Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, Tre parole per il prossimo futuro, Edizioni Meltemi, Rome
Wallpaper n° 53, Architects to watch, IPC Media Ltd, London.
Inarch International Award for Architecture and Design, Milano
Building Healthcare Award for Best International Design, London
Architizer A + Awards, Finalist, London
Ad’A Award for Italian Architecture
Gold Medal for Italian Architecture, Finalist, La Triennale di Milano
Green Good Design, Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design, Chicago
WAN Awards Residential, London
Overall Leaf Awards Winner, London
Leaf Leading European Architect Forum Award, Residential Building of the Year, London
In/Arch Ance Award, Realized Architecture by young architect, Roma
European 40 Under 40 Award, Madrid
Gold Medal for Italian Architecture, Honourable Mention, La Triennale di Milano
Urbanpromo Award, INU Istituto Nazionale Urbanistica, La Biennale di Venezia
Plusform Award, Best realized architecture under 40
AR Award for Emerging Architecture, RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects, London
LabQ. Laboratorio per la Qualità Urbana, Pisa
Grattanuvole, Latorrecomune, Fondazione Catella, Milan
Atelier Castello, Un bene Comune, Triennale di Milano
AFRICA Big Change Big Change, Triennale di Milano
OBR, Emerging Architects, Buro Happold, London
14° Mostra Internazionale di Architettura, Innesti / Grafting, Padiglione Italia, Venice Biennale
Small Utopias, Italian Cultural Institute, Athens
Small Utopias, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Italy Now, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá
Archmarathon Awards, Workspaces: Children’s Hospital
Piccole Utopie, Tongji University, Shanghai
The Energy of the Road, New urban scenarios in the post-oil era, MAXXI, Rome
Cellulae, Salone del Mobile, Milan
Right to Energy, MAXXI, Rome
XIII Biennale di Venezia di Architettura, Common Ground, Venice
Medaglia D’Oro all’Architettura Italiana, Triennale di Milano
Italy Now, UIA 2011 24th World Congress of Architecture, Tokyo
ASJ TV, New Wave in Architecture, OBR Open Building Research, Tokyo
In/Arch Ance, Rome
Young Blood, Annual dei talenti italiani, Rome
Rassegna Italiana, Università di Roma La Sapienza
Ordine degli Architetti di Bologna, Saie, Bologna
Rigenerazione Urbana, Catania
Europe 40 Under 40 Exhibition, Madrid
Giovani Architetti Italiani, GiArch, Utet, Casa dell’Architettura, Rome
Better City, Better Life, World Trade Centre, Shanghai International Expo
Spot on Architecture, Milanofiori, University of Florence
Giovani Architetti, GiArch, Casa dell’Architettura, Rome
China International Architectural Expo, Beijing
Medaglia D’Oro all’Architettura Italiana, Triennale di Milano
AR Awards exhibition, Berlin
Arup World Architecture Festival, Barcellona
Collasso Energetico, Bioarchitettura e Biourbanistica, Teatro Cargo, Genoa
Rizoma, Biennale giovani architetti, Pontedera
AR Awards exhibition, Budapest
AR Awards exihibition, Seoul
AR Awards for Emerging Architecture, RIBA, London
Architecture: Where to, Cross Borders, concepts of a unified Europe/world, London
Plusform, Architetture realizzate under 40
Città e territorio tra crescita e sostenibilità, Hanoi
XI Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura, Buenos Aires
V Biennale di Architettura, Contemporary Ecologies, Brasilia
10° Biennale di Venezia di Architettura, Città. Architettura e società, Padiglione Italiano
Young Italian Architects under 40, Venice
Archimedia, InArch, Culture contemporanee
Biennale del Paesaggio mediterraneo, Pescara
NIB+ICAR travelling 2004, Roma, Glasgow, Belgrado, Helsinki
Architetture di qualità under 40, Ordine degli Architetti di Salerno
Graz Biennal on Media and Architecture, ArtImage, Graz
Intimacy, iMage, Stazione Leopolda, a cura di Marco Brizzi, Florence
Beyond the media 03, Image, Ospedale degli Innocenti, Florence
Intercittà, Reggio Emilia.
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