Industrial Facility is a design office formed by designer Sam Hecht and architect Kim Colin in 2002. The studio follows a rigorous path of investigation and analysis in its work. Its belief is in the importance of design as a means of simplifying our lives in an inspirational way. Sam Hecht is probably best known for his contribution to the development of technically demanding projects for Muji, for which he has produced over 50 products and where he is currently Design Advisor for Europe. Other recent collaborations include the ‘Twice’ clock and ‘Once’ watch for Lexon France, the FlexLamp
for Droog and the ‘Equipment’ project for Whirlpool (2004). For Epson Japan he has produced a DVD/LCD projector (2004) and the third generation Picturemate printer (2006), both of which have been awarded a G-mark from Japan, and an IF Gold Award from Germany. In total, Hecht and Industrial Facility have earned themselves over 30 design awards in the past few years.