Sobre Subarquitectura

Andrés Silanes, Fernando Valderrama and Carlos Bañón
S U B A R Q U I T E C T U R A [Abr 05] is formed by Andrés Silanes [Nov. 77], Fernando Valderrama [Ago 79] y Carlos Bañón [Oct 78]. All three are architects by the University of Alicante [Oct 04] and Master in complex architectures ua [05-07].
They’ve built transport projects like the 'Tramstop' in Alicante (awarded in the IX Bienal of Spanish Architecture and in the European Bienal Balthasar Neumann Prize and Nominated to the last edition of Mies Van der Rohe Awards 2009) and research buildings like 'Research Laboratories' in Orihuela (First Prize in Ideas Competition and Awarded in Isover Sustainable and Ecological Buildings).
Now they’re finishing the construction of public and private residential buildings: 'Touria tower' in Sociopolis (Valencia), the '360 House' in Madrid, a 'Living unit for students' in Alicante, and '1 VPO' in San Anton, Alicante (First Prize in Ideas Competition).
Also they’re developing at this moment two First Prizes obtained in Competitions of Sports Buildings: the Sports Pavillion in Pedreguer and the New Hercules C.F. Football Stadium in Alicante; they have recently finished their Double Athletics Court in Elda, Alicante (2010).
Different solutions, obtained by applying the same way of thinking to multiple uses, scales and places.
"Serendipity is a scientific lucky and unexpected discovery that has been realized accidentally. This combination of will and random, joins the intention, with the occasion, producing an extraordinary result. The discovery of America is, literally, a serendipity of the size of the world."
We are full of prejudices, our look towards the reality is voluntarily partial.
We do not try a complete reality understanding, but to create the laboratory conditions which serve for the development of the architectural object.
Project anticipates to the necessities, even to the program or to the place. It is a vehicle which is used to deal among the existing reality and the future.
In this metamorphosis process, the project acquires such internal as external coherence.
Until reaching enough inertia as to take own life, then it feeds of its proper requireements and necessities.
A distance with previous hypotheses turns out, proposing a new philosophy of life around it.
Process implies a diversion of the initial aims, the result is often surprisingly, but always unpredictable.
Result is more complex than analysis.
"The architect thinks, but he will not produce a work made of words, but an object made of forms and materials. This objects shows his own and particular message that can't be translated to words. As expression of the same message, in art, form and content, signifier and signified, fabricate one only thing"
In our projects function doesn't follow form (Baroque), neither form follows function (Rationalism). We try to approximate them to a single thing.
Shapes become the instructions for using the building.
The aim is to create a clear transparent language, as easy to understand for the user, that he can even interiorize it, creating new possibilities, as an open source code.
An environment that brings choices without determinate the behaviors, but some actions or options are more probable than others.
We try to reinvent uses to generate new shapes.
The building is simpler than the activities generated.

Andrés Silanes, Fernando Valderrama and Carlos Bañón
S U B A R Q U I T E C T U R A [Abr 05] is formed by Andrés Silanes [Nov. 77], Fernando Valderrama [Ago 79] y Carlos Bañón [Oct 78]. All three are architects by the University of Alicante [Oct 04] and Master in complex architectures ua [05-07].
They’ve built transport projects like the 'Tramstop' in Alicante (awarded in the IX Bienal of Spanish Architecture and in the European Bienal Balthasar Neumann Prize and Nominated to the last edition of Mies Van der Rohe Awards 2009) and research buildings like 'Research Laboratories' in Orihuela (First Prize in Ideas Competition and Awarded in Isover Sustainable and Ecological Buildings).
Now they’re finishing the construction of public and private residential buildings: 'Touria tower' in Sociopolis (Valencia), the '360 House' in Madrid, a 'Living unit for students' in Alicante, and '1 VPO' in San Anton, Alicante (First Prize in Ideas Competition).
Also they’re developing at this moment two First Prizes obtained in Competitions of Sports Buildings: the Sports Pavillion in Pedreguer and the New Hercules C.F. Football Stadium in Alicante; they have recently finished their Double Athletics Court in Elda, Alicante (2010).
Different solutions, obtained by applying the same way of thinking to multiple uses, scales and places.
"Serendipity is a scientific lucky and unexpected discovery that has been realized accidentally. This combination of will and random, joins the intention, with the occasion, producing an extraordinary result. The discovery of America is, literally, a serendipity of the size of the world."
We are full of prejudices, our look towards the reality is voluntarily partial.
We do not try a complete reality understanding, but to create the laboratory conditions which serve for the development of the architectural object.
Project anticipates to the necessities, even to the program or to the place. It is a vehicle which is used to deal among the existing reality and the future.
In this metamorphosis process, the project acquires such internal as external coherence.
Until reaching enough inertia as to take own life, then it feeds of its proper requireements and necessities.
A distance with previous hypotheses turns out, proposing a new philosophy of life around it.
Process implies a diversion of the initial aims, the result is often surprisingly, but always unpredictable.
Result is more complex than analysis.
"The architect thinks, but he will not produce a work made of words, but an object made of forms and materials. This objects shows his own and particular message that can't be translated to words. As expression of the same message, in art, form and content, signifier and signified, fabricate one only thing"
In our projects function doesn't follow form (Baroque), neither form follows function (Rationalism). We try to approximate them to a single thing.
Shapes become the instructions for using the building.
The aim is to create a clear transparent language, as easy to understand for the user, that he can even interiorize it, creating new possibilities, as an open source code.
An environment that brings choices without determinate the behaviors, but some actions or options are more probable than others.
We try to reinvent uses to generate new shapes.
The building is simpler than the activities generated.