Sobre Sybarite

Sybarite is an architectural studio best known for its contribution to the ever-changing face of benchmark retail, experiential culture and hospitality.
The studio has been a long-term partner of notable and respected visionaries in the field of luxury retail over the past 18 years and has achieved some 2,500 projects to date.
A meeting of minds: Mitchell and McIntosh set out to create a far-reaching global melting pot of talent in London, which champions and nurtures a highly collaborative creative design democracy where work-life balance is at the core. Their unique approach to architecture is reflected in the studio ethos and appreciation for the finer things in life, whether it be championing cuisine or promoting personal development.
The name Sybarite, ‘a person devoted to luxury and pleasure’, was a fitting description of the co-founders themselves and the road that lay ahead. Blending fashion with function and purposefully blurring the boundaries between multiple art disciplines is what unites their principles.
Sybarite was and continues to be, heralded by a strong belief in the magic of bricks and mortar.
Sybarite’s modus operandi is telling the story of its clients, rather than its own - seamlessly merging the essence of a brand into the fibres of the building it is housed in.
Sybarite stands for an architecture that surprises and seduces the senses.
Projects range from micro to macro – a perfume bottle, an international store roll-out or an expansive department store. Scale, scalability and longevity are always key with innovation being the driver.
Embracing a 360-degree approach to all areas of design and architecture and everything that holistically bolts on in-between is what motivates the team of 70 plus architects, interior designers, visualisers, graphic designers, branders, product designers and marketers.
Sybarite is an architectural studio best known for its contribution to the ever-changing face of benchmark retail, experiential culture and hospitality.
The studio has been a long-term partner of notable and respected visionaries in the field of luxury retail over the past 18 years and has achieved some 2,500 projects to date.
A meeting of minds: Mitchell and McIntosh se...