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The adaptable design classic With the modular furniture USM Haller, you can design furniture to fit your home perfectly. From bedside tables to shelving units, the almost limitless possibilities allow you to create the interior of your dreams. Find out more
Photo: Ooki Jingu
Building Frame of the House in Japan by IGArchitects
This simple structure of offsetting walls and laying floors at different heights allows its residents to work anywhere and sense each other's presence – an openness that belies the floor area of 60sqm. Natural light reaches in all day from over the north side, whereas service spaces such as the kitchen and bathroom are located towards the back of the home. Read more
Inter-species residences: houses for plants, animals and humans
By considering the spatial needs of their co-habitants, these projects create a purposeful architectural environment to elevate their domestic experience. Featuring Nendo, Estudio Guto Requena, EKAR and Hiroyasu Imai. Read more
Photo: BoysPlayNice
Mar.s architects
Czech studio Mar.s architects believe in the transformative power of design to change the trajectories of individuals and entire communities. Rooted in tradition but open to the unexpected, their breakthrough solutions move people and organisations to new possibilities. Read more