Jack O'Lantern Small Double Pendent Frame PC1103

Lámparas de suspensión de Brokis, Diseñado por Lucie Koldová

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Light as a jewel of the home. A functional object in aesthetic elation, a sentinel of the evening and the night. The subtle levitating metal frame bears tidings of the way and a luminous pearl in the form of a handblown matte sphere. With inspiration taken from the carved pumpkin, Lucie Koldova’s concept shows the way and becomes a building block in the house of light, beckoning passers-by to enter. This subtle and geometrically balanced light offers a wide variety of combinations. It can be hung separately or in vertical lighting arrangements. In addition to the suspension variant, there is also a wall composition comprising five frames joined in a single module for up to five glass spheres, which rely on nothing more than gravity to stay in place.Sizes and versions: Wall (Small), Pendent and Table (Small and Large).

Más sobre este producto

Parte de la colección JACK O´LANTERN.
Fabricante Brokis
Familia Jack O'Lantern Small
Architonic ID 1572389
Número de pedido PC1103
Año de Lanzamiento 2018

También disponible en otras 10 variantes

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Jack O'Lantern Small Double Pendent Frame PC1103 | Lámparas de suspensión | Brokis

Jack O'Lantern Small Double Pendent Frame PC1103


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