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440 productos encontrados
Franco / Adjustable - Asymmetric Optic
Franco / Adjustable - Symmetric Optic
Franco CoB LED / Adjustable - Asymmetric Optic
Franco CoB LED / Adjustable - Symmetric Optic
Gamma Mid-Power LED / Bidirectional
Gamma Mid-Power LED / Unidirectional
Giulia 200 / Mid-Power LED
Giulia 300 / Mid-Power LED
Giulia 400 / Mid-Power LED
Hyperion / Mid-Power LED
Hyperion Mid-Power LED / Pole
Idra / Ø 130mm - Transparent Glass - Adjustable Optic
Idra / Ø 220mm - Symmetric Optic - Sandblasted Glass
Idra / Ø 220mm - Symmetric Optic - Transparent Glass
Idra Power LED / Ø 130mm - Sandblasted Glass - Symmetric Optic
Idra Power LED / Ø 130mm - Transparent Glass - Symmetric Optic - Narrow Beam 10°
Idra Power LED / Ø 130mm - Transparent Glass - Symmetric Optic - Wide Beam 50°
Idra Power LED / Ø 220mm - Adjustable Optic - Medium Beam 35°
Idra Power LED / Ø 220mm - Adjustable Optic - Narrow Beam 15°
Iota Power LED / Adjustable - Narrow Beam 10°
Iota Power LED / Pole H.500 mm - Adjustable - Narrow Beam 10°
Iota Power LED / Pole H.900 mm - Adjustable - Narrow Beam 10°
Iota Power LED / Wall Bracket L.500 mm - Adjustable - Narrow Beam 10°
Iota Power LED / Wall Bracket L.900 mm - Adjustable - Narrow Beam 10°
Jackie / Transparent Glass
Jackie CoB LED / Transparent Glass - Medium Beam 40° - Direct 230V
K12 ln Mid-Power LED / Diffused light
K12 ln Power LED / Narrow beam 10°
K12 ln RGB Low Power LED / Diffused light
K12 rc Mid-Power LED / Diffused light
K12 rc Power LED / Narrow beam 10°
K12 rc RGB Low Power LED / Diffused light
K12 sq Mid-Power LED / Diffused light
K12 sq Power LED / Narrow beam 10°
K12 sq RGB Low Power / Diffused light
Kamino 130 Power LED / Omnidirectional
Kamino 130 Power LED / One Emission
Kamino 130 Power LED / Two Emissions
Kamino 180 Power LED / Omnidirectional
Kamino 180 Power LED / One Emission
Kamino 180 Power LED / Two Emissions
Kirk 120 CoB LED / Adjustable - Medium Beam 40°
Kirk 70 CoB LED / Adjustable - Medium Beam 40°
Kirk 90 CoB LED / Adjustable - Medium Beam 30°
Klein 500 CoB LED / Installation With Base - Direct 230V
Klein 500 CoB LED / Installation With Fixing Bolts - Direct 230V
Klein 900 CoB LED / Installation With Base - Direct 230V
Klein 900 CoB LED / Installation With Fixing Bolts - Direct 230V
LaDina Carrot
LaDina Mega Fuchsia
Leila 105 CoB LED / Stainless Steel Frame - Medium Beam 20°
Leila 135 CoB LED / Painted Frame - Medium Beam 20°
Leila 135 CoB LED / Stainless Steel Frame - Medium Beam 20°
Leila 135 CoB LED 230V / Painted Frame - Medium Beam 30°
Leila 135 CoB LED 230V / Stainless Steel Frame - Medium Beam 30°
Leila 165 CoB LED / Painted Frame - Medium Beam 20°
Leila 165 CoB LED / Stainless Steel Frame - Asymmetric Optic 12° - Medium Beam 30°
Leila 165 CoB LED / Stainless Steel Frame - Medium Beam 20°
Leila 165 CoB LED 230V / Painted Frame - Wide Beam 50°
Leila 165 CoB LED 230V / Stainless Steel Frame - Wide Beam 50°