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Kitchen Inox | Stainless steel Kitchen sink mixer with swivel and detachable spout
Kitchen Inox | Stainless steel Kitchen sink mixer
Mezclador de fregadero de cocina de acero inoxidable AISI316L con manguera flexible negra y ducha de mano.
Levo | Stainless steel Wash Basin Mixer
Volcano | Stainless steel Deck mounted mixer
Mezclador de fregadero de cocina de acero inoxidable AISI316L con caño giratorio.
Kitchen Inox | Stainless steel Kitchen sink mixer with swivel spout.
Volcano | Stainless steel Kitchen sink mixer
FFQT | Espejo regulable y ampliable. Insertable en todos los tubos de 22 mm
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35 resultados para Equipamiento de cocina
AISI316L stainless steel deck mounted mixer set with swivelling and extractable spout, with remote control for water treatment and dedicated swivelling spout for filtered water.
AISI316L stainless steel deck mounted mixer set with swivelling, collapsible and extractable spout, with remote control for water treatment. Collapses down to 6cm.
AISI316L stainless steel deck mounted mixer set with swivelling,collapsible and extractable spout, with remote control for watertreatment. Collapses down to 6cm.
AISI316L stainless steel deck mounted mixer setwith swivelling spout, with remote control forwater treatment and dedicated swivelling spoutfor filtered water.
AISI316L stainless steel kitchen sink mixer for water treatment withseparated water flows and shut-off extractable handshower
Idealaqua | Kitchen sink mixer Idealaqua series forwater treatment, with separated waterflows.
Thumb | Grupo mezclador de sobremesa con caño, ducha de mano extraíble y desviador de 2 vías
Kitchen Inox | Kitchen sink mixer Ottavo series with swivel spout.
Kitchen Inox | Grifo de cocina con caño giratorio
Kitchen Inox | Mezclador de cocina bajo ventana con control remoto, caño rotatorio y abatible. Disponible tambien con caño no abatible
Kitchen Inox | Stainless steel AISI316L Kitchen sink mixer with black flexible hose and two-jets handshower. New design, lathe turned manufactured.
Kitchen Inox | Stainless steel AISI316L Kitchen sink mixer with swivelspout.
Mezclador de cocina remoto de acero inoxidable AISI316L con caño giratorio y ducha extraíble.
Mezclador de cocina remoto de acero inoxidable AISI316L con caño giratorio.
Thumb | Mezclador de cocina de 2 agujeros con caño y ducha extraíble