This small house was planned a long site from north to south.
Client are young couple and children. Their request are "bright indoor" and "privacy protection from west and south street".
In order to put a light to the back of the house from various parts, it had a roof and wall to the uneven shape. As a result, it became a characteristic shape, such as the four buildings.
Main room of first floor obtained daylighting from south side inner balcony of second floor, and you can admire the flowers and plants which grow on the balcony.
Facade which is divided into four, has brought about characteristic proportion and amazing sense of scale. And it has been possible to adjust the heights each part of the house to surrounding building, road and trees and so on.
Q&A(from the other media)
- Why did you decide to use four house-shaped volumes?
Firstly, the results of many studies, It found that the required functions can be grouped into four in each floor. In ground floor, Tatami space, main room, kitchen and water section (bath, dressing room, toilet). In first floor, Master bedroom, two children's rooms and inner balcony.
Secondly, this site is located neighbor's garden on the north side and neighbor's house on the east side. We wanted to reduce the height in the edge of the house and wanted to be bright neighbor's garden and neighbor's house not only house we designed. So we decided the facade which is divided into four and changed the height each volume.
And we followed around houses with gabled roof. So four volumes have house-shaped roof separately.
Structure: Wood
Cladding: Galvalume steal sheet
Site area: 198.00m2
Building area: 65.95m2
Total floor area: 117.55m2
Shuhei Goto Architects
View inner balcony from main room of first floor
View inner balcony from main room of first floor