Resultados: 743

Material Vision 2009

Sebastian Bäthies


Innovative materials for designers, architects and product developers

Feeling Felt

Nils Becker


Felt is a material which is experiencing a renaissance. Not just in fashion but nowadays also in product design and architecture, more and more creative spirits are exploiting the potential of this material.

3form case studies

NoéMie Schwaller


Refurbishing the Alice Tully Hall (built 1969) in the Licoln Center, New York, presented a unique challenge for the U.S. company 3form.


NoéMie Schwaller


ComplexCity is an exploration to find a concealed aesthetic by using the pattern formed by the city's roads, which have been growing and evolving randomly through time.

Angst im Dunklen?

NoéMie Schwaller


Datenbank zum Anfassen

Sebastian Bäthies


Ein Archiv spezieller Art wurde jüngst mit dem Materialarchiv ins Leben gerufen. Das Materialarchiv ist eine Symbiose aus Online-Datenbank und einer Materialsammlung zum Anfassen als auch des haptischen Erlebens von Werkstoffen.

Interieur / Exterieur

NoéMie Schwaller


Nya Nordiska, a leading international textile company based in Dannenberg, North Germany, whose early stages were strongly influenced by Scandinavian design, recently received a highly unusual enquiry from the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg.

The new materiality of shadows

Susanne Fritz


For hundreds of years artists and architects have been fascinated by cast shadows and perspective – the two shaping factors of spatial representation. Today the direct control of production machinery by means of digital design tools imparts an

sweet hope

NoéMie Schwaller


Sweet Hope is a curtain fabric, designed by the acclaimed Japanese designer Akira Minagawa. Ideal for offices, it offers superb heat and light regulation properties.

Ceramic Tiles of Italy. A Natural Beauty

NoéMie Schwaller


From 22 to 27 April 2009 the aesthetic quality and cutting-edge technology of Italian ceramics will be the main focus of the image show “Ceramic Tiles of Italy. A Natural Beauty”.


Susanne Junker


This is an exciting and stimulating book which is both an enjoyable read and a detailed and accurate work of reference!

Zumtobel Highlights Show

NoéMie Schwaller


The Zumtobel Highlights Show has been kicked off on 2 September, which marked the beginning of a 23,000 kilometer journey for the product innovations.

Polyhydroxybutyrates (PHB) reinforced by nano particles

Sascha Peters


As a result of diminishing resources and rising prices the age of oil is drawing to a close. Accordingly there is increasing interest in renewable raw materials as alternative sources.

«Design as Italian Value»

NoéMie Schwaller


Ceramic tiles as wall decoration were brought to southern Europe by the Moors and the first European ceramics industry was to be found in the Roman Empire. It is therefore not surprising that the most important trade fair for the ceramics industry

Translucent insulated glass

Sascha Peters


The extension to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City is an impressive example of the use of translucent but opaque glass facades.

Tactile Legerity

NoéMie Schwaller


Cork enables innovative production methods and new ways of interaction with the environment. Widely praised as a pioneering force in green trends, this tactile and unconventional material.

Polycarbonate goes Olympic

Sascha Peters


The locations for the competitions in this summer's Olympic Games in China had to meet a range of criteria.

Fashionable Technology

Susanne Junker


Sabine Seymour, who among other things lectures at the Parsons New School for Design, New York, has put together a collection of products and materials which looks at the close interlinking of fashion, design, technology and science.




The electric light bulb has had its day. Ecological and energy-efficient illuminants such as LEDs or OLEDs are becoming more and more attractive to the consume.

Duke Ellington meets King Midas

Susanne Junker


Sprayed-on metal skin for seamless and geometrically complex metal surfaces


Christiane Sauer


The tenth MATERIALICA in Munich focused specifically on design. For the fifth time the fair presented the Materialica Design + Technology Award to outstanding and innovative performance in the fields of design or engineering.


Christiane Sauer


Innovative materials inspire designers and architects to create ever new products and applications. This was demonstrated at the end of 2007, when the latest developments in the field of new production and surfacing materials were presented at two

Notes on "Brick: the Exhibition"

Christiane Sauer


The European Ceramic Workcenter (.ekwc) in the Netherlands regards itself as an international workshop facility and provides designers, artists and architects with the opportunity to carry out technical and artistic experiments using ceramics and

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