Don't shush me!: BOSSE
Historia de la marca de Barbara Jahn-Rösel
Wien, Austria
Decades of experience has secured German manufacturer BOSSE’s position as a pioneer of room-in-room solutions – sustainable and comfortable spaces for trouble-free communication.
A friendship that has grown over decades: Bosse has perfected the open space and room-in-room concept over the last 40 years. These timeless and high-quality cubes meet the highest demands in relation to functionality and sustainability

A friendship that has grown over decades: Bosse has perfected the open space and room-in-room concept over the last 40 years. These timeless and high-quality cubes meet the highest demands in relation to functionality and sustainability
×On the one hand, our working lives have become easier. Technology and digitalisation have increasingly made independent working possible and have also brought with them other freedoms. On the other hand, this flexibility means that we are no longer anchored to one spot so more people find themselves in shared workspace situations where there is always the possibility of disturbing others, and indeed, being disturbed. Despite all its doubtless advantages, open space also has its pitfalls, particularly in relation to acoustics – for which, in the interests of positive cooperation, solutions must be found.
They are called Telephone, Dialogue, Collaborate and 4.0 and offer space for creative development in everyday office life: Bosse's Cubes are the solution for making the best possible use of the central zone while improving acoustics in open-plan offices

They are called Telephone, Dialogue, Collaborate and 4.0 and offer space for creative development in everyday office life: Bosse's Cubes are the solution for making the best possible use of the central zone while improving acoustics in open-plan offices
×Open space is not – as many may think – an invention of the 21st century. As early as the 1980s, the idea of leaving out dividing walls in the interests of better communication and more dynamic teamwork had repeatedly been toyed with. Unfortunately, this idea was only half-heartedly realised or not at all at that time, because the necessity for responding to the individual’s needs was forgotten.
'Despite all its doubtless advantages, open space also has its pitfalls, particularly in relation to acoustics – for which, in the interests of positive cooperation, solutions must be found'
Günther Bosse, founder of the eponymous firm, has always been fascinated by the idea of the open-plan office. He had already developed the first concepts for room-within-a-room solutions as far back as 40 years ago and was already dealing with the requirements of such a working model at that time. 25 years ago, he achieved his breakthrough with Human Space, laying the foundation for the values that have always been part of the company: Sustainability, quality, timelessness and functionality.
Why not make it comfy too? Not everyone is into formality and distance. If desired, Bosse cubes can be made even more inviting with suitable lighting, textiles and seating: Total design flexibility in other words

Why not make it comfy too? Not everyone is into formality and distance. If desired, Bosse cubes can be made even more inviting with suitable lighting, textiles and seating: Total design flexibility in other words
×Around 2010, the trend towards open space was reaching a new peak. By this time, Bosse had already accumulated a wealth of experience upon which to draw in relation to the concept of ‘space-in-space’ and has continued improving and refining its products – last presented at Orgatec 2018. But the journey continues. The acoustic Human Space Cubes Telephone, Dialogue and Collaborate as well as the modular Series 4 are based on the same principles. The focus here is on the well-being of participants and their not feeling constricted in the Cubes. Accordingly, the dimensions are very different from those of competing products. For example, the Telephone Cube can also be used by two people at once. Video conferencing, but also other work requiring a higher level of concentration is possible here, not least thanks to sophisticated solutions such as height-adjustable elements that offer valuable additional possibilities.
Equipped with products from selected partners, Bosse's Cubes provide optimal working conditions. The perfect lighting setup, the best air quality, state-of-the-art control technology and carefully crafted details all under one roof

Equipped with products from selected partners, Bosse's Cubes provide optimal working conditions. The perfect lighting setup, the best air quality, state-of-the-art control technology and carefully crafted details all under one roof
×The Dialogue Cube is designed for two to four people who want to meet for a lively exchange of ideas or a business meeting. It is appropriately equipped with monitors and, if desired, can also be made a little more comfortable with attractive textiles and lighting. The Collaborate Cube is the largest version of the 2.0 model series and offers space for up to eight people – it is, so to speak, a double-sized Dialogue Cube.
'The result is a technically top product that's made in Germany and which, with regard to its largest version, consumes less energy overall than two conventional lights'
Finally, the Cube Series 4.0 is designed for meetings with up to 16 people, but can theoretically be extended indefinitely thanks to its modular construction with central posts. This is an absolutely high-end product, fully equipped with various features: a KNX-based control box, internal WIFI, lighting technology that changes the temperature of the light as the day progresses, sensors that control the quality of the air and control options that are compatible with mobile devices.
Two, four or any other constellation of people can work together in Bosse’s Cubes without disturbing others. The ability to exchange information at any time promotes communication, which subsequently increases productivity

Two, four or any other constellation of people can work together in Bosse’s Cubes without disturbing others. The ability to exchange information at any time promotes communication, which subsequently increases productivity
×In keeping with its own corporate values, Bosse relies on cooperation with well-known manufacturers who are reliable partners in the supply of high-quality technology. These include, for example, hinges from Simonswerk, an easy to use lighting system from Nimbus which utilises the plug-and-play concept, or Miniservers from Gira for automation and visualisation. A high level of quality can thus be created and guaranteed – durable products that fully meet the demands of sustainability. And speaking of sustainability, Bosse is particularly proud of its regional approach to the production of all components. The result is a technically top product that's made in Germany and which, with regard to its largest version, consumes less energy overall than two conventional lights.
Bosse’s goal is to bring people together and offer them comfortable space for trouble-free communication. The multispace landscapes open up completely new possibilities for professional scenarios – an efficient, attractive, acoustically perfected middle zone, filled with new tasks and ways of doing things. Bosse’s Open Space project offers solutions for choosing where and how one wants to work Human Space Cubes give the individual working environment a new face. That’s something to smile about.
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