A life less ordinary: BoConcept
Historia de la marca de Emma Moore
Herning, Dinamarca
FURNITURE DESIGN WEEK: ‘Live Ekstraordinær’ – so goes BoConcept’s new motto, a call for us to embrace our individuality and an offer to architects and planners to embrace the unique qualities of the Danish brand’s contract-loving products.
The ‘Live Ekstraordinær’ motto urges us to express our uniqueness freely, not only through how we present ourselves, but how we present our environments. Here the model twins with a Princeton chair

The ‘Live Ekstraordinær’ motto urges us to express our uniqueness freely, not only through how we present ourselves, but how we present our environments. Here the model twins with a Princeton chair
×if we ‘Just do it’ when choosing running shoes, and ‘Think Different’ when furnishing our digital lives, when installing hygge and high-function into our environment, we ‘Live Ekstraordinær’. BoConcept’s new motto consolidates the brand story, in the manner of the best marketing straplines, into two powerful, dynamic words.
Don’t just be ordinary, be extraordinary it implores. And live in a way that honours that uniqueness, with great furniture that speaks of it. Even the brand’s quintessential Danishness is represented, in the use of the unmistakable ‘ekstraordinær’.
Taking cues from fashion and lifestyle, the new campaign imagery reinforces the message, telling the story of customisation and co-ordination, illustrated here with the Ottawa chair and Cupertino desk

Taking cues from fashion and lifestyle, the new campaign imagery reinforces the message, telling the story of customisation and co-ordination, illustrated here with the Ottawa chair and Cupertino desk
×Like all good slogans, it embodies a note of aspiration for those inside and outside the company. Experience the extraordinary and offer the extraordinary. ‘We demand a better experience of our living and working environment,’ says Paula McGuinness, BoConcept’s Chief Marketing Officer. ‘While others offer furniture, BoConcept brings extraordinary experience to your home/work with the endless possibilities of our coordinated and customisable selection married with expert interior design service bringing tailored perfection to your home and workplace.’
The essential Danishness of the brand is communicated in the word ‘ekstraordinær’ but within the framework of Scandinavian cool, the campaign implores us to make our rooms as individual as we are

The essential Danishness of the brand is communicated in the word ‘ekstraordinær’ but within the framework of Scandinavian cool, the campaign implores us to make our rooms as individual as we are
×Where once the brand, when it was setting out on its contract journey, urged us simply to Live Work Play, the new motto reduces the action to just ‘Live’. This, in one fell swoop, acknowledges the merger of life’s functions that has taken place in recent times; a fusing that is reflected in BoConcept’s smooth transition from home to contract interiors and back again into homes with the more hard-working commercial pieces. If ever two words worked harder to tell a story, we’d like to see it.
© Architonic