Award winners Fries & Zumbühl
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Zürich, Suiza
Kevin Fries and Jakob Zumbühl are the proud winners of three 'iF product design awards' and 'reddot design awards'
We liked the 'Darling' bed at first sight when we came across it for the first time at last year's Stockholm Furniture Fair, where it gave a clear indication of its enormous potential. With its attractive design and the innovative simplicity of its construction it impressed not only us but also the jury of the 'iF Product Design Awards', who have now presented the two designers with one of their prestigious 50 'Gold Awards'. Consisting of two leg elements made of plywood and cross slats of various lengths as a base, the bed can be adapted to mattresses of various sizes with a few simple adjustments.
'Darling' by Fries & Zumbühl with Muriel Weber at Moobel in the near future
At the moment the bed is produced on a self-made basis, but a partner has recently been found for its future manufacture and distribution - 'Darling' will soon be added to the collection of the Swiss label 'Moobel'.
Fries & Zumbühl have also received awards for their 'Tetris' shelf module and the 'Häkeln' coat hook. In addition to this, 'Darling' and 'Tetris' were also distinguished by a 'Reddot Design Award'. The red dot was awarded to the 'Waldhaus' series of lamps, too.
Kevin Fries and Jakob Zumbühl are very definitely on the road to success. Since 2003 they have been developing products and concepts together, both for their own account and in cooperation with design-oriented companies. "We regard these awards as confirmation of the way we work – they give us the energy to create further product ideas," say the designers. We're looking forward to their new work.