Between Heaven and Earth
Texto por Nora Schmidt
Berlin, Alemania
The Baumraum team, which is made up of architects, landscape designers, innovative craftsmen and tree experts, plans modern tree house designs which are constructed to the individual specifications of the client.
A love of adventure and the desire to find a hiding place were probably the impulses which motivated us as children to climb trees and build a tree house among the branches, concealed among the leaves. In view of this the exclusive tree houses made by the firm of Baumraum in Bremen is sure to awaken memories of childhood in many of us, and arouse yearnings for this unique place between heaven and earth.
This tower-construction is situated hillside close to lake at Kärnten, Austria
The Baumraum team, which is made up of architects, landscape designers, innovative craftsmen and tree experts, plans modern tree house designs which are constructed to the individual specifications of the client. Their structures, which range from small play houses for children to elaborate and habitable dwellings, are integrated into the environment in a natural way.
Of course modern technology plays a decisive role here: the tree houses are mainly held in place by cables fastened to one or more trees. And where there aren't enough suitable trees available, part of the house or even the whole structure can be supported by a base fixed to the ground.
The load of this tree house is partly transfered into the oak tree – with stainless steel strings and textile belts

The load of this tree house is partly transfered into the oak tree – with stainless steel strings and textile belts
×The special spatial situation of tree houses makes it possible to provide their structures with idiosyncratic shapes, giving the design of the base of the house a highly unusual architectural aspect. These romantic refuges merge with the treetops like birds' nests.
The cabin made of cortensteel is built on eight conic columns
Built into a pear tree: A baumraum house near Heilbronn, Germany