Mobilier & Aménagement
Cuisine & Salle de bain
Mur & Sol
Éléments de construction
Acoustic Wood Panels
Linear Module
Lamellow+ Barcode
Linear Rib
Lamellow+ Linear
Fila Panel Walnut With 2cm Perforation
Geta Panel-A Oak With Mix Perforation
Admonter Holzindustrie AG
Panneaux en bois | Dot Chêne rustic brossé
Soundwave® Flo
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121 résultats pour Plafonds acoustiques
Linear Plank
Haza Column-O Oak Wood
Letwood 5L
Haza Column-R Oak Wood
Letwood 2L
Troldtekt® Plus | Acoustic panel with sealed mineral wool
Ideaperfo | T16
Acoustic Panel W2 plywood birch
Acoustic Panel W0 plywood birch
Semi-Finished - Foli 2 verneer
Panneaux en bois | Premium Mélèze blanc
Semi-Finished - Foli 1 MDF
Semi-Finished - Janus
Panneaux en bois | Premium Epicéa
Ideawood | Grid
Panneaux en bois | Linear Mélèze à l'ancienne
Troldtekt® colour | Natural grey
Troldtekt® colour | Custom colour
Panneaux en bois | Linear Chêne JOINTÉ
Parklex Prodema
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Graphite
Semi-Finished - Duna
Ideaperfo | T32
Panneaux en bois | Vieux bois haché H3
Panneaux en bois | Linear Mélèze blanc
Panneaux en bois | Linear Sapin JOINTÉ
Panneaux en bois | Premium Chêne jointé
Semi-Finished - Foli 2 oak
Panneaux en bois | Vieux bois haché H4
Troldtekt® Project solutions
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Reconstituted Grey Oak
Troldtekt® colour | White 101
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Black
Panneaux en bois | Linear Epicéa à l'ancienne
Ideawave | D-Wood
Panneaux en bois | Linear Chêne basic
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Natural Ayous
Semi-Finished - Linar
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Cherry
Ideaperfo | Microacustic
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Natural Oak
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Natural Zebrano
Ideaperfo | MI
Troldtekt® | A2 acoustic panel
Troldtekt® colour | Grey 208
Ideawood | Slats Lamas
Troldtekt® structure | Fine
Semi-Finished - Janus Tex
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Teak
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Wengue
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Sapelli
Troldtekt® colour | Natural wood
Ideawood | Idealux LR
Acoustic Panel W2 3-layer spruce
Troldtekt® | Acoustic panel
Acoustic Panel W1 3-layer spruce
Panneaux en bois | Premium Arolle
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Reconstituted Oak
Ideaperfo | R32
Panneaux en bois | Dot Chêne blanc brossé
Troldtekt® colour | Black 207
Panneaux en bois | Linear Mélèze
Ideawave | inCube
Panneaux en bois | Premium Chêne
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Caramel Bamboo
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Museum Ash
Panneaux en bois | Premium Retro haché H2
Panneaux en bois | Premium Chêne stone
Panneaux en bois Acoustic | Premium plafond suspendu
Ideawave | Cube
Ideawood | Idealux LT
Semi-Finished - Foli 2 MDF
Troldtekt® colour | Grey 202
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Natural Bamboo
Ideaperfo | Micro 05
Troldtekt® structure | Extreme fine
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Natural Beech
Panneaux en bois | Premium Mélèze
Semi-Finished - Sonar
Ideaperfo | R16
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Eucalyptus
Panneaux en bois | Linear Epicéa
Panneaux en bois | Premium Epicéa blanc
Troldtekt® structure | Ultrafine
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Acoustic | Natural Oak
Parklex Walls and Ceilings Finish | Maple
Panneaux en bois | Premium Sapin JOINTÉ