The Collection features a full range of "Heroes" that are inspired by the simplicity of a cardboard box and the possibilities of what a child can turn it into, in his imaginative world. Lil’ Gaea's fantasy heroes are created based on little Lila's made up tales in her imaginative world; the Fox bed to curl up in a story time, Sandbox as if an interior beach, Box library to stack into a simple house, a rocket to fly to the moon, a giant macaron to have a bite in a pretend tea party... Overall it is about creating a "Happy Story" for our children that is creative, playful, pleasant and iconic.
Lil Gaea’s focus is transition, from a baby to a toddler into a childhood, all these stages are designed to create an emotional connection between product and the user while decorating homes with soul and passion. As a subdivision of GAEAforms, Lil' Gaea creates the 'value' in the form of entertainment, experience and self identity where the creations are timeless, natural forms that serve as simple solutions to both child’s and parents' lifestyle needs.