According to Inkiostro Bianco, every project comes to life from an empty space like a blank sheet of paper, an open invitation to creativity and transformation. In this borderless universe, the interior space is the canvas on which to paint your most creative visions. Each element included in an interior design must be carefully studied to coherently match with all the others and create a balanced whole suited to the function of that space and to those who will inhabit it. The blank sheet of paper represents infinite creative possibilities, where every option is still possible. Inkiostro Bianco’s desire is to bring a little of this infinity into a delimited space such as a house or a room in general using the language of interior design. It is precisely this concept that inspires the new collection White Paper. An exclusive assortment that enchants with its wallpapers that tell timeless stories, Lineadeko laser-engraved wooden wallcovering that transforms walls into innovative, threedimensional works of art, and INK.RUGS rugs that weave stories of comfort and beauty. Each piece in this collection celebrates beauty and harmony, creating a space where every detail is designed to bring serenity and balance. It is an invitation to explore new horizons, to be enveloped by emotions and to transform the spaces we inhabit into places of inspiration and wonder. White Paper takes aesthetic exploration beyond habitual boundaries and creates a world of your own, where every surface is a canvas for your ideas. What would you like to draw on your white paper?