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Articles de Artek

Architonic projects of the year 2023: Residential

James Wormald


Our annual review of the most popular new living spaces in Architonic’s project database. Featuring Child Studio, Plus One Architects, Luke Moloney Architecture, Objektor Architekti and AKZ Architectura.

Light Headed: Euroluce 2011

Simon Keane-Cowell


Excuse me. Have you got a light? No? Well, maybe you should have visited this year's edition of Euroluce, the international lighting fair that rides pillion with the Milan Salone Internazionale del Mobile. But not to worry. Architonic has made a

Love in a Cold Climate: Architonic meets Artek chief Mirkku ...

Simon Keane-Cowell


Few design brands evoke as much warmth on the part of consumers as the heritage-steeped Finnish company Artek, currently celebrating 75 years in business. Co-founded in 1935 by the hero of Scandinavian modernism Alvar Aalto, Artek has certainly

Wanderlust: Architonic goes walkabout in Cologne for ...

Simon Keane-Cowell


With thermal under-apparel in place, Architonic ventured forth from the exhibition halls of the Koelnmesse during this January's imm cologne to visit Passagen – the ever-growing programme of off-fair exhibitions and events in showrooms, galleries,

Nouveautés de Artek

Die Ilmari Tapiovaara Möbelkollektion bei Artek



Mit dem Erwerb der Rechte an der Ilmari Tapiovaara Kollektion erweiterte der finnische Möbelhersteller Artek im Jahr 2010 sein Produktportfolie um einzigartige Objekte eines Meisters finnischen Designs. Ilmari Tapiovaara (1914–1999) war einer der