À propos de 22quadrat

Patrick Voigt and Sabine Dennig
Cultural identity
22quadrat analyzes, simplifies and deepens the corporate culture of and with [inter-]national operating corporations and institutions, to establish their significance on the market and within society. Intensified profiles and translated complex contents allow possibilities for corporations, to face future developments with creativity and to express new potential exploratory fields and business topics.
Spatial communication
The design of 22quadrat varies from communicating functional information to the development and visualization of cultural identity. The range of action includes guidance systems, spatial design and installations, interior design as well as trade fair architecture, flagshipstore- and exhibitiondesign for cultural and functional orientation.
Visual identity
22quadrat develops the visual appearance of sophisticated institutions and brands for analog or digital media. Beyond that, through word, photography and film 22quadrat creates access to a brands dns and the spirit of impressive architecture and spaces.
Free works
Independent art- and research projects serve as a field of experimentation for the own permanent development and at the same time they build the foundation for future works in the field of applied design.
Patrick Voigt [*1977] / Communication design & illustration, HAW Hamburg, Department Design [diploma]
Sabine Dennig [*1976] / Interior Design / University of Applied Sciences Mainz, Germany and Delft University of Technology, Metherlands [diploma]
Co-founder (active 2008-2012):
Denis Vidinski [*1979] / Communication design & illustration, HAW Hamburg, Department Design [diploma] / Free arts, Hochschule für künste Bremen
Active Cooperation:
Tim Erdmann [*1984] / Since 2008 Studying Architecture / Hcu Hafen City University Hamburg
2012 - Orientation System / Ehb Evangelische Hochschule Berlin
2010 - Facade Graphic / Competition [multiple Commissioning] New Office Building Quartier Eurobahnhof Saarbrücken / Phase Change Material /cooperation With Flosundk, Architektur + Urbanistik, Saarbrücken
2010 - Design as Reform Majlis Through Interior Design / Traffic Design Organisation, Dubai / Uae
2009 - Limited Competition / Realisation Landesgartenschau Gießen 2014 / Cooperation With Peter Bohn + Assoziierte & Mahlgebhardtkonzepte, Munich
2009 - Application / Conception German Contribution 12. International Architecture Exhibition Venice 2010 / Cooperation With Flosundk, Architektur + Urbanistik, Saarbrücken
2009 - Kunst Am Bau / Design Terraces Pankepark / Bundesnachrichtendienst Berlin
2009 - Architectural Corporate Design / Goetheinstitutes Worldwide / Second Stage / Cooperation With Gernot Schulz : Architektur, Cologne
2009 - Stadt Im Wandel Stadt Der Ideen / Design Temporary Facade Building Academy Berlin
2009 - Design Competition Freiheits & Einheitsdenkmal Berlin / Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs
2009 - Art Competition New Building Cooperative State University Heidenheim / Badenwuerttemberg
2012 - Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung / 16.05.12
2012 - Plot Inszenierungen Im Raum [online]
2012 - Armstrong Dlw Newsletter [interview]
2011 - Ait Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau 12.2011
2011 - Trade Fair Design Annual 2011/2012 / Avedition
2011 - Premium & Style Magazin 3.2011
2011 - Weser Kurier Bremen, 12.08.2011
2011 - Frame Magazine the Great Indoors [online], May 2011
2011 - Ait Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau 04.2011
2011 - Stadtblatt Osnabrück #387
2011 - Flair Modemagazin Ausgabe Dez/jan 2011 [at]
2010 - Graphic Design Inspirations / Daab Verlag
2010 - Ad. Architectural Digest Ausgabe Dez/jan 2011
2010 - Premium & Style Magazin 3.2010
2010 - Azure #200 [can]
2010 - the National 5.6.2010, Dubai [uae]
2010 - Ait Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau 5.2010
2010 - Luminale 2010 Die Dokumentation / Trendbooks
2010 - Novum World of Graphic Design 04/10
2009 - Dmig 3 Design Magazine [interview]
2009 - Ait Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau 10.2009
2009 - Ait Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau 9.2009
2009 - Factory, Bat Yam Museum of Contemporary Art, Bat Yam, [il]
2009 - Think Blck Graphic Design & Illustrations Without Any Colour / Zeixs Verlag
2008 - Monitor Design Innovations for Professionals #49 [ru]
2008 - Punkt. Kunst Im Nordwesten 2/08
2011 - Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2011
2010 - 1. Prize Design As Reform Majlis Through Interior Design / Traffic Design Organisation, Dubai / Uae
2009 - Additional Prize – Urban Photocontest, Urbanartcore Blog
2009 - 1. Prize Competition Creative Times Pi Squared, DMY International Design Festival Berlin
2006 - Award For Kunstambau, Unternehmensgruppe Norddeutsche Vermögen, Hamburg.
2005 - Award For Kunstambau, Haw Hamburg
2011 - Räume [spaces] / Badisches Kunstforum, Ebringen Bei Freiburg I. B
2010 - Luminale 2010 Biennial of Lighting Culture / Kaiser &cream Art District, Frankfurt/m
2009 - Urbanism Follows Visions Living in the Year 2109, Vdw Hannover
2009 - Creative Times Pi Squared, Dmy International Design Festival Berlin
2009 - Factory, Bat Yam Museum of Contemporary Art & Industrial Area, Bat Yam, Israel
2009 - Hochschultage 09, University of the Arts, Bremen
2008 - Stadtmachtkunst, Intervention in Public Space, Hannover
2008 - Annäherung, Monastery Malgarten, Bramsche

Patrick Voigt and Sabine Dennig
Cultural identity
22quadrat analyzes, simplifies and deepens the corporate culture of and with [inter-]national operating corporations and institutions, to establish their significance on the market and within society. Intensified profiles and translated complex contents allow possibilities for corporations, to face future developments with creativity and to express new potential exploratory fields and business topics.
Spatial communication
The design of 22quadrat varies from communicating functional information to the development and visualization of cultural identity. The range of action includes guidance systems, spatial design and installations, interior design as well as trade fair architecture, flagshipstore- and exhibitiondesign for cultural and functional orientation.
Visual identity
22quadrat develops the visual appearance of sophisticated institutions and brands for analog or digital media. Beyond that, through word, photography and film 22quadrat creates access to a brands dns and the spirit of impressive architecture and spaces.
Free works
Independent art- and research projects serve as a field of experimentation for the own permanent development and at the same time they build the foundation for future works in the field of applied design.
Patrick Voigt [*1977] / Communication design & illustration, HAW Hamburg, Department Design [diploma]
Sabine Dennig [*1976] / Interior Design / University of Applied Sciences Mainz, Germany and Delft University of Technology, Metherlands [diploma]
Co-founder (active 2008-2012):
Denis Vidinski [*1979] / Communication design & illustration, HAW Hamburg, Department Design [diploma] / Free arts, Hochschule für künste Bremen
Active Cooperation:
Tim Erdmann [*1984] / Since 2008 Studying Architecture / Hcu Hafen City University Hamburg
2012 - Orientation System / Ehb Evangelische Hochschule Berlin
2010 - Facade Graphic / Competition [multiple Commissioning] New Office Building Quartier Eurobahnhof Saarbrücken / Phase Change Material /cooperation With Flosundk, Architektur + Urbanistik, Saarbrücken
2010 - Design as Reform Majlis Through Interior Design / Traffic Design Organisation, Dubai / Uae
2009 - Limited Competition / Realisation Landesgartenschau Gießen 2014 / Cooperation With Peter Bohn + Assoziierte & Mahlgebhardtkonzepte, Munich
2009 - Application / Conception German Contribution 12. International Architecture Exhibition Venice 2010 / Cooperation With Flosundk, Architektur + Urbanistik, Saarbrücken
2009 - Kunst Am Bau / Design Terraces Pankepark / Bundesnachrichtendienst Berlin
2009 - Architectural Corporate Design / Goetheinstitutes Worldwide / Second Stage / Cooperation With Gernot Schulz : Architektur, Cologne
2009 - Stadt Im Wandel Stadt Der Ideen / Design Temporary Facade Building Academy Berlin
2009 - Design Competition Freiheits & Einheitsdenkmal Berlin / Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs
2009 - Art Competition New Building Cooperative State University Heidenheim / Badenwuerttemberg
2012 - Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung / 16.05.12
2012 - Plot Inszenierungen Im Raum [online]
2012 - Armstrong Dlw Newsletter [interview]
2011 - Ait Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau 12.2011
2011 - Trade Fair Design Annual 2011/2012 / Avedition
2011 - Premium & Style Magazin 3.2011
2011 - Weser Kurier Bremen, 12.08.2011
2011 - Frame Magazine the Great Indoors [online], May 2011
2011 - Ait Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau 04.2011
2011 - Stadtblatt Osnabrück #387
2011 - Flair Modemagazin Ausgabe Dez/jan 2011 [at]
2010 - Graphic Design Inspirations / Daab Verlag
2010 - Ad. Architectural Digest Ausgabe Dez/jan 2011
2010 - Premium & Style Magazin 3.2010
2010 - Azure #200 [can]
2010 - the National 5.6.2010, Dubai [uae]
2010 - Ait Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau 5.2010
2010 - Luminale 2010 Die Dokumentation / Trendbooks
2010 - Novum World of Graphic Design 04/10
2009 - Dmig 3 Design Magazine [interview]
2009 - Ait Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau 10.2009
2009 - Ait Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau 9.2009
2009 - Factory, Bat Yam Museum of Contemporary Art, Bat Yam, [il]
2009 - Think Blck Graphic Design & Illustrations Without Any Colour / Zeixs Verlag
2008 - Monitor Design Innovations for Professionals #49 [ru]
2008 - Punkt. Kunst Im Nordwesten 2/08
2011 - Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2011
2010 - 1. Prize Design As Reform Majlis Through Interior Design / Traffic Design Organisation, Dubai / Uae
2009 - Additional Prize – Urban Photocontest, Urbanartcore Blog
2009 - 1. Prize Competition Creative Times Pi Squared, DMY International Design Festival Berlin
2006 - Award For Kunstambau, Unternehmensgruppe Norddeutsche Vermögen, Hamburg.
2005 - Award For Kunstambau, Haw Hamburg
2011 - Räume [spaces] / Badisches Kunstforum, Ebringen Bei Freiburg I. B
2010 - Luminale 2010 Biennial of Lighting Culture / Kaiser &cream Art District, Frankfurt/m
2009 - Urbanism Follows Visions Living in the Year 2109, Vdw Hannover
2009 - Creative Times Pi Squared, Dmy International Design Festival Berlin
2009 - Factory, Bat Yam Museum of Contemporary Art & Industrial Area, Bat Yam, Israel
2009 - Hochschultage 09, University of the Arts, Bremen
2008 - Stadtmachtkunst, Intervention in Public Space, Hannover
2008 - Annäherung, Monastery Malgarten, Bramsche