À propos de aarhus arkitekterne

Søren Byriel, Mogens Kristensen, Tommy Falch, Mette Dan-Weibel
aarhus arkitekterne is an experienced and informal architectural firm performing with great empathy. We work within the field of architecture, design and planning - in all phases from conceptual development to site observation and construction supervision. We have a gained valuable professional experience and we work in a great social environment. We see dialogue and knowledge-exchange as our founding values and most important process tools which are essential elements for our work.
We work with a broad array of projects of great architectural diversity and high quality. The end products we create are most often results of a process oriented approach. As a joint effort with the owner and other parts involved in the specific building, we work towards a commonly defined goal. In collaboration we develop a clear and visionary concept, which will be the stepping stone to esthetic and emerging architecture.
It's all about exploring the specific potential for the individual project; defining possibilities and limitations to ensure the best possible end product. In relation to the financial frame work, location, landscape, context, users and the life which will unfold within.
The architectural firm has affiliations in Aarhus and Copenhagen and employs approximately 50 professionals.

Søren Byriel, Mogens Kristensen, Tommy Falch, Mette Dan-Weibel
aarhus arkitekterne is an experienced and informal architectural firm performing with great empathy. We work within the field of architecture, design and planning - in all phases from conceptual development to site observation and construction supervision. We have a gained valuable professional experience and we work in a great social environment. We see dialogue and knowledge-exchange as our founding values and most important process tools which are essential elements for our work.
We work with a broad array of projects of great architectural diversity and high quality. The end products we create are most often results of a process oriented approach. As a joint effort with the owner and other parts involved in the specific building, we work towards a commonly defined goal. In collaboration we develop a clear and visionary concept, which will be the stepping stone to esthetic and emerging architecture.
It's all about exploring the specific potential for the individual project; defining possibilities and limitations to ensure the best possible end product. In relation to the financial frame work, location, landscape, context, users and the life which will unfold within.
The architectural firm has affiliations in Aarhus and Copenhagen and employs approximately 50 professionals.